chemistry like appLe & cinnamon;

vinTage dreams

hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.



haw wei

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

August 2007
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January 2010
date: Monday, July 27, 2009
time:7:48:00 AM
It's a bumpy ride and i intend to last.
Let's start the studying culture.
It's time we wake up.There's simply too little time left.

vinTage dreams

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title: DIKIR;
date: Sunday, July 12, 2009
time:5:45:00 AM

Performance was beyond awesome.
I had kick-ass fun but i couldn't tolerate the lipstick as plumping effect made me look as though i was bitten by some insect. What's worst was that no matter how much i attempted to rub it off, it simply won't come off. The blusher was equally a nightmare.It was so thick that i felt like some social escort.
The picture above isn't the complete outfit that we wore.
I will upload more images once i grab hold of them from Farah.

vinTage dreams

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title: SHEESHA;
date: Saturday, July 11, 2009
time:6:14:00 AM

vinTage dreams

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title: RELIEF;
date: Friday, July 10, 2009
time:11:01:00 AM
Thank goodness i managed to get the steps for dikir even though i learnt the second half of it only today.
Performance would be on tomorrow. I'm excited yet terrified at the same time.

I'm delighted that we managed to complete shooting the entire indoor scenes of filming fyp just now.

WOOHOO!That's two things off my list of things to do this july.

vinTage dreams

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date: Sunday, July 5, 2009
time:11:17:00 AM
There's this part of me which knows that i'm capable of nailing every single target yet there's this other part which knows i'm not capable of multi-tasking that well.
I'm in the middle of my Prelims and things have been rough so far. The reality that i can't flamboyantly announce that i would ace any papers already is a clear indication that i'm not prepared for the A's.

Getari is set to perform for a racial harmony show this sat and dikir training has been back to back.
Having missed an opportunity to perform the last time due to school commitments, i wouldn't want to give this a miss once more especially when i've committed hours into training.
Honestly, stress is catching up with me sooner than i expected.
One moment i easily lay out to you the lyrics to the song and at the very next, totally forget the rhythm and words to the song.
The irony is such that while attempting to focus and get the steps right, my mind is polluted with economics and literature yet when i'm actually revising, the lyrics of the song start floating uncontrollably in my subconscious.
I collapsed under pressure by admittedly saying i simply can't sing and perform the steps all at once when it was possible for me to do so the last time round.
I threw in the towel and that's my reality laid out on a blank sheet.

There's filming final year project to complete once my last paper is over. The script to memorise together with the props to design and only to complicate things further, shooting would be on the same day as that which Getari would be performing.

Everything is happening all at once.
It's of no logic that i can possibly be at two places at the exact same time nor is it even possible that i can confidently divide my 24 hours a day exceptionally well such that i'm able to accommodate studying, practicing and memorising all within this limited time.

This is the point when i start doubting my capabilities to a position that i'm this entity with raised hopes and failed expectations.

vinTage dreams

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date: Saturday, July 4, 2009
time:11:58:00 AM

Pictures credits hottopic & flickr

6 items to haunt for once Prelim1 is over.

vinTage dreams

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date: Thursday, July 2, 2009
time:10:21:00 AM

30 minutes after the math examination commenced, i was looking around the room for inspiration.
Whatever pure math knowledge i had felt antique, i couldn't make any sense out of section A.
40 marks gone within 30 minutes and i proceeded with section B.
I managed to grapple with a few questions and it wasn't long before i was caught in the ordeal of completely giving up.
I began staring at each question hard hoping some light bulb moments would occur. It didn't.Not initially.

I revisited each question at various intervals.At certain instances i felt lucky as flashbacks provided an insight on how i could possible tackle the question.It must be the works of divine intervention i thought.

2 hours into the paper, a quarter of my question paper was layered with doodlings.

I managed to scan around the room to see how others were doing. I saw some heads on the table, some feverishly attempting the questions and others who were just giving each question a go hoping that they would gain some sympathy marks.

That moment, i really wished time wouldn't pass so slowly.

Julitta did 0843C a favour by counting the number of essays we had to write for the examinations and i never thought it would be a much as 21!

vinTage dreams

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