chemistry like appLe & cinnamon;

vinTage dreams

hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.



haw wei

© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
date: Sunday, September 30, 2007
time:8:52:00 AM

I was engaging myself with current headlines on the Sunday Times when i hit upon a fairly interesting subject which read: Bummer, they're still too slippery.

Here's a scope about the issue of bum rests at MRT stations:

Nothing but the familiar local complains about the bum rests being too slippery and the non-user friendly elements about the bum rest towards individuals.

My personal take on the issue is that we humans complain awfully much.Let's face it,one of the distinctive attributes of being a human is whining.

Afterall, it's a BUM REST.Close to a seat but not yet a seat.We can't expect much from it can we? It's designed for us to rest our bum and not meant to handle our body weight for long.

At least, we should be grateful that those bum rests are around.They're handy for quick rests while waiting for arrivals of trains especially after long shopping trips.Besides, we can pile our shopping bags on them.So why can't we just quit the unnecessary moaning & direct our attention on more important issues.

Then again,different people have different opinions.So it's up to us on how we want to view the situation.

I still project bum rests as a standout piece of art.Loud & innovative.

Television affairs appeared more lively today.In particular with the President's Star Charity airing on channel 5.At least it was worth watching TV today mainly for entertainment purposes.My favoured musical would be Grease.I could sense overwhelming enthusiasm from its cast.Fried Rice Paradise reaches out to our local antics of love for food.Very Singaporean!High School Musical was ordinary but credits for great effort must be recognised.Puteri Gunung Ledang showcased unique choreography.
As for the others, i was pretty preoccupied with other activities and thus didn't get the chance to admire them.

Catching Warna Ramadan on Suria made me realise that the fasting month is nearing to an end.Hari Raya is next on calendar.There's still so much to do.Time is running short.

F&N's commercial is such a darling.It sets you to that festive mood especially with actors & actresses clad in traditional costumes.(Looking hawT is Wan Arshad & i adore the kebaya that the lady member of Ahli Fiqir is wearing.)

Job haunting will be on my list soon.

& so, it's all love for everything that i see, touch & taste today.

To whoever that i came into contact today, thank you all for making my day.I'm missing a great amount of people.

vinTage dreams

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date: Friday, September 28, 2007
time:12:15:00 PM

Happy 5th to us.
Mr boyfriend rawk my soul!!
vinTage dreams.

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title: dreams will take flight
time:9:23:00 AM

Set your standards high

You deserve the best

Try for what you want

And never settle for less.

Believe in yourself

No matter what you choose.

Keep a winning attitude

And you can never lose.

Think about your destination

Do not let yourself stray.

Put in your very best

And things will go your way.

Take all that you've become

To be all that you can be.

Soar above the clouds

And let your dreams set you free.

A major inspiration piece.
I will be guided.I trust.With each circumstance,i will adapt.

I will rise & stumble.Hence i will grow.I'll keep an open mind.I will be inspired.

I'hv learnt to entrust:

For as long as hope is cherished, dreams will never perish.

vinTage dreams


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date: Tuesday, September 25, 2007
time:9:59:00 AM

Left alone in the stillness of night's sky waiting for dawn to befall can really conjure up unwanted sentiments.

Wounds close in on itself leaving behind scars.Scars won't bring about soreness unless rubbed upon.

The key to the secrets binded in our hearts lay in our hands.

Are we able to wear our scars well enough such that it will not bleed again


will we be tempted to risk allowing the scar to reopen itself?

Scars, unliving, will remain.

But will fresh wounds be repeated oodles time until it can never close upon itself?

So constant that every nerve burst itself on you.

To a point that your scars pester you.

Wounding ourselves is easy.But gaining from every scar will make things easier.

vinTage dreams

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date: Monday, September 24, 2007
time:11:58:00 AM

owner's note: heLLoh werLd!!

vinTage dreams

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date: Sunday, September 23, 2007
time:9:47:00 AM

Sleepless nights are history.

That recurring dream.Where will it take me? I can't help but wonder.

Month end is approaching.Will there be enough convenience for me? Will everything be too late then?
I don't see the light that has been guiding me before.I have been reckless.

Why can't all this just be a dream?
I can't help but question.
Thank You.
He who reminded me to follow my heart.
Them, my pillar of strength.
They, my cheerleaders.
& him, the one who loves.

vinTage dreams

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date: Thursday, September 20, 2007
time:10:42:00 AM
I'm not feeling too excellent today especially when half of my living room is engulfed by cardboard boxes.YES.Half.You read it right.A total of 115 boxes to be exact.Each generously filled by bottles or trays of cookies.
Now, the lizards in my house have more than 100 ways to play hide & seek.Gahh.
I'm not complaining here.I'm merely stating the reality.

Hours of typing data,recording invoices,checking up stocks is making me hungry for a night's rest.Despite my worn-out muscles, i doubt i can sleep yet.
I only have my insomnia to blame for making me turn nocturnal these days.
Such is my displeasure.

On a lighter note, i'm pretty contented with everything else.
Well,the truth is, i'm plainly pretending.
I don't see the need to burden my thoughts with the melancholy of life.
Might as well be that sunny personality in place of despairing over trivial matters.
Nothing's going to change if you first don't change your thoughts.
Thoughts are things.Remember that.
I'd reckon that u'll be fine if you believe so.

vinTage dreams

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title: anoTher day.another entry.
date: Saturday, September 15, 2007
time:12:47:00 PM
A trip to a doctor would be handy.
I'm totally am in need of a prescription.No, correction.I need two prescriptions.
One for my insomnia,another for my indigestion.
I wonder what's with my system these days.Giving up on me at the most unreasonable timings
.Totally uncalled for.

Enough about this.There's no use brooding over my health.

Today has been a rather back-breaking day.Painting.
My living room and dining room appears to be in a clutter situation.Such is an eyesore.

Our paint job will only be completed in another 24hrs time.Another long day ahead of me tomorrow.

But phew, at least i don't smell anything disagreeable to my sense of smell.Call it a blessing.

Despite the exhausting experience, i still managed to have some time to myself.
DVDS mania!!!
Freedom Writers.

Starring Hilary Swank.
Based on the acclaimed best-seller, The Freedom Writers Diary, the story evolves in a classroom where students grew up prejudice and intolerant of each other and how a teacher, despite many futile attempts, managed to change all that through their similar love for writing.

Are we done yet?

(a scene from the movie)

Featuring Ice Cube and Nia Long.
A family entertainment about home ownership, love for one another and completing tasks that you got started with.

Presenting Jay Chou,Kwai Lun-Mei and Anthony Wong.
The bizarre love story involving an old piano, a pair of lovers and time travel.A tragic yet sweet ending to their love life.

It ends here.

Everyone is missed!!

vinTage dreams

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title: thE verbal or oRaL approach?
date: Friday, September 14, 2007
time:2:13:00 AM
Looking up at individuals whom can orally translate their thoughts has always been a thing of a past, a present and perhaps a future.
Easy as it may seem, not many are gifted to do so.Count me in as one of them.
Maybe it is an aftermath of our childhood behaviour.How we are brought up,the way we channel our thoughts and the list goes on.Then again, it's only a MAYBE.

Penning down my thoughts has always been a favourite.
To date,i'm still an owner of a little black book.That's where all my rants,my bitter-sweet memories,my constant talk with my ego stays.
Since i can't do it in spoken form, might as settle down with the opposite.
Afterall, this might spare myself from being misunderstood. ( NOTICE that the percentage of those whom speak from their mind and are being misunderstood is larger than whom keep their opinions to themself.)

Reality is such.Not everyone translate your words the way you want them to. You might consider what you say another typical old talk but others might find it offensive or sarcastic.
The next thing you know, the stamp-ing action occurs.So much for the freedom of speech.

Care must be practiced before blurting out any single sentence.
We all know.We have been victims.We have been culprits.

At the end of the day, it all sums up to a game of Respect.

vinTage dreams

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title: WHAT'S
date: Thursday, September 13, 2007
time:11:11:00 AM
You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?
A total dreamer? Wow me with something i don't know.
Head in the clouds? More then often that occurs.
Think of the future? Under a list of used-to-be's that happens.
Nostalgic? For as long as my memory doesn't fail me.
Now, how established can those coincidences be?
Can someone just shock me with an unconventional discovery?
This post is updated for my love of someone.
Dull as ever.I don't need a reminder.
Something for me to ponder upon.
I'm afterall barely seventeen, soul searching is still of much benefit.
vinTage dreams

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title: take me to lalaland as of now
date: Tuesday, September 11, 2007
time:9:08:00 AM
I'm a walking zombie today.Physically awake but spiritually, still wondering about in lalaland.
Barely 2hrs of sleep yesternight.
I practically dozed off while increasing my vocabulary.
Those sleepless nights are showing its after-effects.The flu bug is perhaps signing up to launch its attack on me. I summon my armed forces to be near at hand!Ok crap.(READ:Huda becomes nonsensical when she's sleepy.)So pls,just ignore this pointless talking.
Spring cleaning turned out okay.My salutations reaches out to every domestic worker out there.I didn't know it could turn out to be so strenuous.Now that all those books rotting under my desk are officially cob-web free,i'll be glad to make company with them.
Arcylic paints made up the other half of my day.Until this moment, i still can't figure out what i put onto canvas then.A riot of colours.That's the way i see it.All in the name of leisure hours.
I miss my loves.
vinTage dreams

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date: Monday, September 10, 2007
time:11:08:00 AM
Late night chatter.Clogging of fats.Sweet escapes.
Online shopping tops my list.In search of rare & awesome finds.Preferably imported tops & bags.
More great reads.
Night's rest.

vinTage dreams

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date: Sunday, September 9, 2007
time:8:55:00 AM
Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

Now,this surprises me.
Amuse me further.

vinTage dreams

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title: now, we grow with family.
date: Thursday, September 6, 2007
time:12:37:00 AM

Family Day was the agenda today.
It wasn't something that i had known before hand.Rather,it came as a last minute announcement from my dad this morning.
The vicinity of the National Stadium was used up.
Live performances,games,a buffet dinner & street magicians were the bits and pieces of the event.It wasn't as perfect as it should have been but i would credit it a 7/10.Quite entertaining; but not that entertaining.
Subsequently, my family & i headed off to East Coast for supper.This turned out to be bad news.I became the junkie that i once was.I struggled hard to keep temptations at bay but ended up failing miserably.My, my that is surely going to cost me some pounds.Now, when will i learn?
I crave company from books.Vintage leather bucket bag tops my list.I would consider a stringent penny saving to own it.
Now, i'm hearing voices from my bed.This post marks the end of today.
I'm so in love with the world!
vinTage dreams

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title: oF leisure hours;
date: Wednesday, September 5, 2007
time:11:10:00 AM
A regular trip to the library after what seemed like eternity.
Time to bring out the bookworm in myself.=)
Piled up a couple of thought- provoking finds & off to a monotonous bus ride.Perhaps,not.I overheard some juicy gossips by a bunch of students.Unintentionally.Their volumes were too blaring for me to even feign ignorance.
I didn't saw that coming.

Home Sweet Home.Submerged my thoughts on those hand- picked books.Books can easily impress.They enlighten.
The much awaited phone call session.
More vocabulary building.
Rest unprioritise.
luving & missing everyone!
vinTage dreams.

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date: Tuesday, September 4, 2007
time:5:59:00 AM
Unlimited Power Singapore was a success story.
A one day seminar held at the Singapore Expo featuring prominent names such as Anthony Robbins, Allan Pease and Stephen Pierce.
In case you haven't got any idea whom these men are;
Anthony Robbins is the World's No1 success coach,Allan Pease is the Body language expert and Stephen Pierce happens to be a Business Optimization Strategist.
Honestly, in the beginning, i dreaded the thought of having to attend the seminar.I figured that it would only be another cliche old talk; similar to the previous random ones that i'hv attended since the age of fourteen.
But i was proven wrong.Awfully wrong.For the 1st time in my sixteen- plus- years of life, i could actually submit to an 11 hour seminar without stimulating any symptoms of zZz...I should consider rewarding my intellect for achieving such great heights!haha.
Back to my ultimate purpose of blogging, i'm actually here to list down some of the most interesting facts that i had gathered today concerning Men and Women.
  • Men and Women are parallel of each other.
  • Women has the tendency to hint when communicating while Men talks in a direct manner.
  • Multi-tasking is normal for every average Women while Men can't talk and listen at the same time.
  • Half of the time, Men get lost in a conversation with a Women.They have more tendency to not listen. (NOTE to Women: Say one point at a time.Never rush through.)
  • The 'silent treatment' doesn't work on Men like how it does on fellow Women.

On a whole, i would reward an 8/10 for the seminar. It was well worth the 250 for General seating considering the fact that the speakers are well-renown.However, i'm certain that a small number of aspects can still be improved upon.Areas includes a clearer explanation of each keypoint & perhaps, more audience interaction.

The whole experience was of much value.Definately something fulfilling that occupied my day today.Best of all, i got a chance to mingle with people of various cultures drawing from all over the world.China.Japan.Australia.Canada.U.S.A.Indonesia.Brunei and the list goes on.Today can be considered one of the most memorable incidents in my life.Spirits are high.Bliss surrounds.

All i'm in need of now is some sleep before tomorrow greets.

To all those who have linked me, my warmest Thank you spreads to you.

To my fellow friends, I hope you guys are in excellent mental & physical health.

To treasured girlfriends, enjoy your holidays. I should be organising another meet-up soon.=) i'm missing you guys already.

& lastly, to Mr boyfriend, take care of your body & health.Don't over work yourself.You are terribly missed.

Love,vinTage dreams

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