hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: Economics lecture at SMU generated nothing but positive externalities. Maybe we should all start reading the papers...Look, do we appear as though we have other choices? Apparently not i think. Unless- our prayers can turn them into less intellectuals beings. For you & I, the pressure seems round-the-lock & let's put it explicitly; it's draining my mental capacity no less. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() The first sentence that my nine year old brother uttered the instance the Mc Delivery Guy left Raihan: Eh!Laki tu blh tahan jugak (inserts look of astonishment from Huda) Huda: Knape ko ckp mcm gtu? Raihan: Ko slalu kalau nampak org hawt kan gtu ( gives a wicked laugh and walks away leaving this eighteen year old dumbfounded) Huda communicating with her inner self: Adik aku cool or what?! At this age of modernisation, i reckoned that i have underestimated what nine year olds are capable of saying. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: You are The Empress Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation. The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful. The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her. What Tarot Card are You?
Huda is imagining other worlds too frequently. Literature is a gateway to utopia, how can i not adore it? Physical Education lesson lands Huda in a world of madness- all 43c babes would agree. It feels as though i'm going to be enrolled into the National Service next year cause you have no clue what we are required to perform for P.E. However, since i've never once collapse yet, it's still within boundaries of manageability. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I'm becoming immune, it doesn't bleed any longer. You're dancing to the beat of abuse, there's no room for escapism. For tomorrow is still uncertain, nightmare may be approaching. I'm robbed of sanity, you wouldn't hear the vase crashing. It's my torment we're debating about but it's of no surprise that you clearly don't care. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Burger King as the starting point followed by strolls at Plaza Singapura. Minutes at the Arcade like seconds, lucky some were of much sport. Initially a drag but picked up pace as it progresses, it was perhaps a historical escapism that closes on a solemn note, incapable of a revolution. Acknowledging that it was Valentine in mind, 6 gentlemen left with other plans at bay, leaving 2 women with a guy. We headed to Peninsula to scout for footwear with random conversations being our weapon. Soon after, it was the Esplanade reinforcing this soul with a realisation that it was populated with the indigenous with intolerable antics. Marina Square as the finale with better rapport built. Valentine seemed complete even when its not spent with the one. Now, that's history. Thank you Sheela, Lutfi, Charles,Gabriel,Ee Swee,Titus,Alim & Idris. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() I must confess that Valentine Day isn't a ritual that i'm familiar with. It was perhaps non-existent in my secondary school days. The Juniors that i got to know during oreintation were such darlings that they baked a cake, made a card and presented me with chocolates at noon just now. For the service that i offered with much dedication, i'm honored with a great deal of appreciation. It came as an unanticipated surprise that i will treasure dearly. Zapfellion crew kickass! What more can i utter? For the schoolmates that showered me with other goodies, i heart you guys and till eternity, i shall never forget this friendship. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: ![]() At every dinner, there is a potential for human politics and why am i not surprised? This is, after all, a basis for social scenes. I think human beings should start engaging in more intellectual conversations like the proliferation of American brands all over the world. That way, i would have more incentives to offer. I shall shut my mouth for days to come as i sound like some minah rock credits to orientation and dikir training. Damn the flu bug because it's almost impossible to concentrate on my workload with the unavoidable distraction. The best damn thing would be that a significant portion of fats on my arms have been converted into muscle; a consequence of carrying 300 chairs during the 3rd day of orientation. I've got an advertisement to make: THE 2009 batch of INNOVIANS COMPRISES OF A SIGNIFICANT POPULATION OF HAWTSTUFFS! Although they are by convention 2 years my junior, who cares anyway? I'm merely acknowledging their social value and showering them with flattery. WOOHOO! Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lets be honest here, i was rather nervous to show my true colours upon meeting my juniors for the first time. Yes, the pressure of first impressions caught up with me leading in my ultimate failure in remembering the names of the members in my crew. Despite the undeniable differences, they managed to interact with one another convincingly without much persuasion. Day 2 Stations games where i was running and running and running while appearing to be composed. In addition, since my fleet had inadequate manpower, i had to join in for all the games adding on to my fatigue. Sheela commented that i look beyond exhausted and that i was panting for breath which was rather obvious i bet. Overall, despite the presence of only 7 Zapfellion members, we managed to clinch 2 Golds,2 Silvers and 2 Bronze; a total of 6 out of nine. Day 3. Mass games and i swear i had undeniable fun although it was a ratio of 1:14 instead of the supposedly 2:14 since my co-captain had other duties to attend to. Initially i encountered difficulties managing the 14 JC1's more specifically the male breed as they were often running off here and there.Thankfully, the buddy system worked and i swear we did awesome for the mass games. As for the finale, i had to perform a skit together with 8 other JC1's portraying the character of Mats and Minahs. That was memorable as i swear i totally dropped the idea about looking good on stage and did larger than life actions, screaming, laughing and dancing like one lunatic in front of the entire new cohort of JC1's. To date, i'm still questioning as to whether that was Huda on stage. But you know what, since that was just within Innovians, i shall not freak out. It better not appear anywhere on the net.Like seriously. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() ![]() I've never actually talked to Liyi before but i'm hoping she's one fun & noisy person. 09' batch of JC1 will be reporting tomorrow. I believe i'm more eager for orientation than the prospective JC1. Since first impressions count, Huda will make sure that she is one cheerful captain that kick butt. Most importantly, i'd better register it in my brain that i am the captain of ZAPFELLION and no longer Arillion. Okay, no more bitching about orientation.I shall wait in anticipation for tomorrow and see what happens. Showered with a ga-zillion negative strokes within the course of one week, With 1 negative i need 4 positive. Always coming from the same individuals, Human beings and their lack of empathy. What can i say? & Yes, i don't have time for myself but i don't really care. I need my bangs back.Could you kindly take me to the hairdresser? Let me announce this publicly: I, Nurulhuda bte Ismail have troubles trusting you after all that has happened.It's up to you how you plan to redeem yourself but personally, i wouldn't care less even if you don't. MAYBE I SHALL CONSIDER BEING A ROCKSTAR! WOOHOO! Love, vinTage dreams |