hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: Mass dance & cheer routines, being in school extra early for fleet meetings & currently designing bandannas for the new batch of JC1's has added more value to my otherwise mundane lifestyle. It's a miracle that i've not ventured into my stoic mode despite getting barely 3 hrs of sleep a day. I've got my engine going and i'm positive that i'll reach my destination unhurt but the drawback is that i'm slipping into this not-so-pleasant binge eating provision. IT SPELLS WEIGHT GAIN but i'm not really concerned about that for the moment. I'm flying high & i just adore the scene from up above. Doubtlessly going to practice how to control my pitching for dikir before heading off to get some decent sleep. Today makes a majestic diary entry and i got my ear pierced.Again. The 2006 Gossip has its way of resurfacing into my life story once again. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Economic development & crisis in Southeast Asian states makes history lesson more entrancing. I'm proud of myself that i'm finally paying attention during math lessons. Digital Argument for GP helps stimulate innovation and creativity. Market Failure in Economics has transformed Huda into a less ignorant person. Literature's The Tempest explores the idea of mystical beings and i'm once again driven into the world of Shakespeare. You've got to trust me when i say i'm in love with learning. I gave it my all during the interview for the role of Pre-U Seminar emcee and the interviewer questioned me as to whether i would rather take on the role as an emcee or as a Student Liaison Officer. I picked SLO as i'm already a part of the crew for the JC1 orientation although the thought of being an emcee for such a prestigious event would an added advantage for myself in the future. Since it's an either..or option, i would stick with what i've committed myself to doing. If questioned if i would consider performing dual roles i would without hesitation say yes. The outcome of picking the role as an SLO over emcee still grants me with the opportunity to attend the emcee workshop for the selected 30 individuals. As much as i would love to be a part of the Chingay Drum Crew, i simply can't squeeze in time to accommodate the practice sessions.Thus, i have no choice but to give it a miss but i'm praying hard that opportunities like such comes knocking on my door once more in future. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() ![]() Amidst the dead silence at the National Library, you hear a stomach growling. Heads turn & to your ultimate horror, u're the one emitting the sound. To save yourself from embarrassment, you burst out laughing only to discover that u're directing more attention towards yourself. Ok, that's dramatic but Sheela shall be my eye-witness. I shall grant my readers with the permission to read her account of the incident. In case you didn't know, once Huda is hungry, her stomach will have the tendency to growl. So, make sure once she claims that she is famished, bring her to the nearest eatery to avoid the repetition of such incidents. I shall not bore my readers with school updates because i'm still stuck with the hectic schedule. The major update would be that i'm short listed to be the emcee for Pre-U Sem but in order to attain that position, i have to nail my interview which will be on this Tuesday. It would be brilliant if i were to be selected but even if i don't, i still have my responsibility as an SLO. I've completely forgotten about the gig at Scape* and i just found out that there was a emo violence gig at Bugis.Geez, can someone explicitly inform me again that i'm very antique when it comes to entertainment issues but not anymore as i've found a personal informer who with unequalable kindness have volunteered to update me regarding future gigs.Still, knowing is one thing but whether i can afford the time to attend is another especially when i'm adhered with the 'NO LIFE' kind of lifestyle. Still, Huda loves her taxing time-table because it diverts her away from unwanted self-created sentimental thoughts. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Although i don't wish to grumble about school, the rate at which things are going is outrageous. It's only the third day of JC2 and it feels as though i've been attending school for three months already. I'm not exaggerating.Really. My time-table is set to be beyond hectic and i'm spending about 3/4 of my day with my lecture notes by my side.Be it the revisions for the home coming exams as well as quizzes or the mountain of assignments, fatigue is the only word to describe this madness. With only approximately 4 hours of sleep a day and a schedule that stretches from the moment i wake up till the time i fall asleep, there's no way i can be an animated person. Still, i'm determined to be a player and to not lose my fighting spirit.I'm going to push beyond my limits and i can't afford trip because it's too risky. School ends at 7.10 tomorrow and i swear i need 10 cups of coffee to stay awake. I want the arrival of Friday to be as swift as the bullet train. & I simply can't do math no matter how much effort i put in.Crap. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() The day before i headed to town in search for high cut sneakers and there was this ultimately pretty Converse pair in peach but to my disappointment, they didn't have my size.At that point in time, i really wished that i had a bigger feet. The pumps at Royal Sporting House are going at a bizarrely cheap price but since it has been a while since i last wore pump shoes, i decided not to grab them. There is this really awesome shoe shop at Far East Plaza selling all kinds of shoes and i spotted a few fantabulous Vans ones that made me go "Omg! I want to own that pair". But, there is this particular Nike Dunk which made me go crazy. I fell in love with it the moment i laid eyes on it! It's going at $189 and i'm definitely saving up to purchase it.Lets just hope that they will have my size the next time i make a trip to the shop. Even for a female,i swear that the particular Nike Dunk is the sexiest thing alive and there's no way a 6 inch stiletto heels can emerge victorious when placed side by side to it. I WANT THAT NIKE DUNK LIKE UBER BADLY ! As for today's shopping trip, i went around Bugis in search of shoes but i couldn't find a unique pair of high cut sneakers that is worth purchasing. I am currently thinking of purchasing a plain pair and just jazzing it up with colourful shoe laces but my mind is not quite made up yet. There's ongoing sale everywhere. Topman's tee is going at awesome prices. Mango cropped cardigan is going at a good bargain. Cotton on is having this gigantic sale. Giordano tees are a good investment. Split sundresses are to die for. Sorbet,SIX and Chomel accessories are a definite must buy! There's Charles and Keith brilliant footwear at low prices. Guess, Bonia and Carlo Rino are all slashing their price tags. Oh, and now is a perfect time to purchase your Levis jeans. and the list goes on. Is it really a period of economic recession because Singaporeans don't seem to be affected by the tiniest bit judging from the way people are spending their paychecks. MUMMY, I NEED TO DO MORE SHOPPING OK! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() Trapped in a bubble as a friend puts it. No room for escape and likewise, none for entrance. We know we don't wish for this to end but that seems beyond the bounds of possibility. As long as u're making an effort, take my words that i will protect what we've built. IJC'S OPEN HOUSE ON TOMORROW. i have a responsibility as a facilitator so I'LL SEE YOU THERE IF U'RE COMING=) Note to self:I need to reward thyself and others with positive unconditional strokes. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Personally, the most important learning point for myself after going through a day's worth of SLO leadership training is to be a player and not a victim as well as to set yourself to be different. JC2 time table is already out and frankly,i'm not ready to embark on my journey towards the A'levels.It's certainly going to be tight and with all my other commitments, i'm seriously doubting my capabilities of being able to manage my relationships,personal time,studies and responsibilities well. I'm really banging on fulfilling my duties excellently but i don't want to come across as shutting myself from the splendours of socialising. I've grown addicted to messenger once again and this better stop once school reopens.MSN shall be a weekend getaway kind of thing. I think time has come for me to demonstrate the inner nerd in myself. But like they always say,"begin with the end in mind."I hope that solves it all. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: A 45 mins trip to school to hand in the assignment followed by chit chat session with Rahimah over lunch. Zonked out the moment i landed home and was awaken 2 hrs later by the alarm on my phone. Headed to Yishun for dikir training and now i'm beyond exhausted. I missed at least 16 hrs of sleep over the weekends. Full day SLO training for Pre-U seminar tomorrow. Switching to Stoic mode. The eye infection went away leaving a tiny lump on my eyelids. Declaration,i'm not in the mood for anything. Goodbye. Love, vinTage dreams |