hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: I'm closing a chapter for 2008, heLLoh 2009! I've decided not to make any new year resolutions because knowing myself, i won't stick to them.So, i shall save myself the trouble of thinking about the things that i wish to improve on. I must really thank Sheela and Athirah for reminding me that i have exams once school reopens but, screw the exams for now because i'm not interested to know how prepared my other counterparts are though it's really scary to know that Sheela has started on her mugging spree. Let's skip the chitchat and get down to the nitty-gritty details. ![]() Yes Homo sapiens, i know some of you want a sneak peak of my 2008. Innova came as a complete surprise for the previously seventeen. Initially i felt that i was stuck with the A levels curriculum but soon after i realised it was miracle in disguise. Thinking over, i didn't spend my Saturdays with dating affairs or socialising episodes.Much of it was dedicated to learning new cheer and dance routines, finishing up my assignments or hours devoted to the much dreaded project work. If you were to ask me, the best damn thing that happened to me in 2008 would be the fact that i became a part of what we call Innovians. The momentum to keep going which i was blessed with in 2008 is unbelievable for a procrastinator like myself. Being in school for more than 12 hours a day, hanging out on weekends at the library and being spotted in school uniform on Sundays are a list of events which i got used to in 2008. I could safely say that i put school above my family and friends. It has been a magnificent year and i want 2009 to be an unforgettable one as well. I'm going to start the year by clearing my Msn contacts. I want it free from perverts, desperadoes,unethical beings as well as humans who suffer from major short-term memory loss asking for an introduction everytime i appear online. Ok people, go party away 2008 and bring home refreshing and provocative tales to share with me while i wait in anticipation for my eyeballs to recover.Thanks eh Raihan. And you know what, i found a new heart throb. Jayson Fernandez,front man of Rivermaya. OMG! Rambut dier can kill! ![]() But, Fahrin is still the hottest! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: It has been five miserable days and my sore eyes shows no sign of progress.Still swollen and unsightly to the naked eyes. Thanks to it i've missed 3 dikir barat training. Just how bad can it possibly get? In addition to this, i have to give my training for the Jc1 orientation this morning and tomorrow a miss as well. According to reliable sources, we have to memorise some dance steps to teach the prospective innovians during their orientation.Something that I'm pretty much looking forward to in 2009! I'm still in search of peace which was distorted moments ago. If this had to happen,why today of all the days? Just when i felt the burning desire and impulse to do my revisions and when my head is free from unwanted sentiments, this had to occur. Let me be honest.I'm affected.NORTH.SOUTH.EAST.WEST.In all possible angles, in all possible directions. If u are talking about anger, i'm free from that.Anger is one of the emotions that i seldom turn to(Don't bother asking why). I'm just hung up on the fact that i knew this was coming and that i wasn't cautious enough to prevent it from happening. At intervals like these, i wished i had listened to my instincts. Similar to the Malay saying which goes something like "nasi sudah jadi bubur", huda possesses no magnetism to revert back time in order to prevent this catastrophe. Not that i didn't try, but my efforts were futile. I had to resort to pleading.Not out of love nor sympathy did you pay attention to that. Instead, you shove me aside like a marionette who is devoid of emotions. I'm convinced that you are aware that this was afterall a misunderstanding.I was hoping you would compromise and put a punctuation to this chaos since you are the supposedly the wiser one. But you didn't. Instead, you let your ego take center stage without noticing how much damage it had on all those around you. Newsflash! I know your ego/pride was hurt but if this is how you tackle problems, do you think you can ever solve it? Now i'm telling you, don't ever call yourself a man when you make decisions using your heart and not your brains! You may think that i'm taking sides, but i'm far from doing that. Just like how it takes two hands to clap, it takes two parties for this to end up in the current position. Now, don't start pointing fingers regarding who started this first because if you had spared the tiniest thought about me, you wouldn't have carried on. I'm flat-out disappointed that no matter how hard i try to conceal it, it's still visible. It's like a scorpion venom directed straight at what's beating. It has set it paralysed for days and months to come. You murdered me once and i had the strength to move on before. Do you think i am strong enough to handle the second blow? Apparently you didn't know the ordeal that i had to went through. I started from scratch with nothing.Zilch.Zero. I know we are all flawed. Just like how i countlessly hurt you without even realising it. Is it that difficult to utter an apology? Will it kill you to admit u're at fault as well? I don't expect much.Just a tinge of humanity. Now, excuse me, i think i'm running a temperature.My head is spinning and my mouth feels like cotton. Do you even care? I know you don't. I know i'm just blabbering to the walls but if i don't voice out my opinions, i doubt i can ever fall asleep. Even with this entry completed, i'm still unsure if i can put my mind at ease. It's going to be a long night, PLEASE TAKE ME TO UTOPIA angels. Now that my reputation is tainted, how do you expect me to face the world? Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: Swollen eyes are pretty much a distraction for Christmas Day despite the fact that i don't grace the occasion. To make matters worst, i had to call off plans for the evening with Sheela and her brother. Resulting in me having to park my butt on the sofa watching TV the whole evening. Thankfully 'Delivering Suzy' was worth watching and Suzy played her role brilliantly. School is around the corner and i have yet to complete my assignment what more started on my revision for the exams. I'm one hell of procrastinator and i'm not ashamed to admit it. This vacation must have been no.1 on my chart as the utmost unproductive period in my entire existence. I have no apparent clue where my motivation and hunger for achievement have gone to. I'm going with the flow and it's not a good sign.I think i'm going to drown and you can catch a glimpse of my corpse. Oh wait, am i alive in the first place? MERRY XMAS PEOPLE! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() SMCCI 2008 Annual Gala dinner had RZ as the emcee. Dikir Barat Group 'Keris' was the appetizer for the evening. With scrumptious menu and sporting company. TAUFIK BATISAH served as main course. Imagine how elated Sheela and myself was. A Malaysian Zapin performance was for dessert. Those 8 year-olds were something! But obviously all good things must come to an end. This is perhaps one of the most memorable episodes of my school vacation. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. 1. i like sour things=) 2. i've had ambitions of being a doctor, reporter,philosopher,lifeguard,designer,pilot. 3. i have an ULTIMATE crush on Malaysian actor; Fahrin Ahmad! 4. i'll get depressed if i don't hit the shopping mall at least once a month. 5. i don't comb my hair unless i'm going out. 6. i have a fetish for guys with muscular arms! 7. i would rather travel to Harajuku;Japan than Paris. 8. I love to scream!!! 9. chocolates make me high! 10. i think i'm fat. 11. i'll never leave the house without putting on lip balm/lip gloss. 12. i like boys who are talkative and those that nag a lot! 13. i can never fall asleep unless i have my blanket on. 14. i still love dolls=) 15. i have a phobia of fury animals. 16. i can talk for 8hrs non-stop on the phone.(try me.haha!) i tag...... ANYONE WHO WISHES TO DO THIS=) Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: ![]() "Whatever kind of ending i sketch, My heart is wrapped in mystery. The truth is drawing near, Just as if it were darkness." Love, vinTage dreams |
vinTage dreams |
title: Life's conspiracy,unravel certain mysteries. What is left untold like pieces of jigsaw puzzle, are fingerprints left at crime scenes. Essential clues in order to catch a glimpse of the big picture. We search up and down forgetting that sometimes it's not about what we know that matters. It's about what we don't that make a difference. Now tell me, what do i not know about you? Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: Current Read: Numerology Decoder by RICHARD CRAZE. ![]() The book provides a basic understanding of the Western system of numerology based on the Pythagorean Method.At the same time, readers are illustrated with a step by step example on how to calculate your birth, full name as well as known name number. The plus point of this book would be that there is a whole chapter regarding personality reading. Written in simple English, everyone should be able to easily comprehend their individual character traits. Personally, i feel the benefits of Numerology would be that it provide individuals with an insight on the influence of numbers in human affairs. I would recommend this as a Dummies Guide to Numerology. Best of all, you don't have to be a math geek to understand Numerology! Love, vinTage dreams |
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