hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: ![]() Circles of audience;anxious. the clamor of the crowd. Screams of enthusiasm. Uncultured mannerism. Perhaps a plague of shouts. Intensity in the air, Congratulations. Smell of perspiration. Oily complexion. Rounds of cheer practice, the final showdown. Trembling with fear, Encouragement from mates. Thank goodness i didn't screw up. It went splendid. Taurus cheerleading squad attained victory. Estatic. Our hardwork paid off. TAURUS WAS THE OVERALL CHAMPION. IJC'S Sports Evening was a blast. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: i forgot the actual line, but i think it sounds something like...... "If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on" ACJC's Pride and Prejudice held at the DBS Arts Centre, Home of the Singapore Repertory Theatre was well worth the 25 dollars.The cast did a splendid performance! ACJC boys definitely possesses the X-factor! I love the dance to bits and pieces! Not only are they intellectually capable, they can act and even dance so perfectly! WOW is the only adjective that i can say to describe how spectecular the whole play was. What i would find most admirable would be the ability of the cast to verbalize a sarcastic line with a straight expression.Boy, they were good i tell you! MAYBE I SHOULD CONSIDER MAKING COMPANIONS WITH ACJC STUDENTS. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Yesternight's sleepover at Titus's house together with Sheela & Charles was pretty fun! We had our rounds of fun while staying up all night to complete our history project. Keeping each other awake and engaging in sarcastic conversations. Definitely something memorable done together as classmates! I fell asleep during GP due to sleep deprivation. Cheer practice today was awesome. Trying out stunts. Trust was of due importance especially when a majority of the guys are considered thin. I swear i love climbing onto people's shoulders and being lifted up in the air.=) I find joy in doing things that involves risk. Oh, i didn't know that it was this complicated. Perhaps it's time we insert a punctuation to this story. How about that? Quit this pretense. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: i'll glorify the presence of eyebags Procrastination sets in. It's almost two and i'm here, busy typing out my South East Asia History Essay. I don't expect to get an A neither do i intend to screw up my 1200 word essay cause i wouldn't want to risk the sight of my ego being smashed onto the wall and breaking up into a thousand pieces.History is my kind of subject and if were to screw it up, it would be a mentally traumatic moment for me. Frankly speaking, i don't know if i'm even answering the question when it's paragraph after paragraph of words Ariel, font size 10. The constant repetition of the word decolonisation is making me realise how pathetic my vocabulary is. Then again, is there even a substitute for the word decolonisation? I'm clueless and i don't intend to check the thesaurus even though it's just a click away. I choose to put the blame on my habit of procrastination even though, it is obvious that i have absolute control over what actions to do or not to do. So i guess i'll be making out with my history lecture notes and reference book till dawn.Awesome ain't it? Not! Apparently, i don't even know the rationale behind typing this entry. Am i complaining or am i trying to create a sense of awareness for my audience to comprehend what sort of person i am? In case you haven't notice, i have the tendency to rant nonsense when i'm multi-tasking. Let's pray i can stay awake till 7 p.m and not doze off during lectures or tutorials. But of course, chances of me dozing off or stoning is so high that i'd better stock up on a bucket of sweets. I intend to leave the house extra early so that i get to hibernate while waiting for 168 to make its way to Innova. Should by any chance you bump into me looking like a zombie tomorrow, you should know the reason. Surviving the school hours is attainable but surviving the cheer practice? I better be coordinated. I better appear energised: mind, body, soul. I better think of creative ways to stay awake. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Sixth day of the week, Dolled up faces, prepossessing style & substance. I miss those times, loitering aimlessly around town, chic; carefree. The price of responsibility that tags along with maturity; how huge. No wonder they always say, don't be in a rush to grow up. How great would it be, if i could wind back time, to that at 14. But boy, that wouldn't happen. Out at town, it's five in the afternoon, Marginal notations, concept of elasticities. "How hardworking" were words of a stranger. The temptation of wondering around, we almost resigned to that. They look so candid; hours their companion. Envious. A shopping trip seems so vintage now, when was the last? I need the arrival of June to be as swift as the bullet train, I want to party,I want to shop. I wish to dance all night long. That huge obstacle, let's work doubly hard, to see the fruits behind seeds watered so constantly. Catching up with decent sleep is the priority. Other things can wait, networking with humans, that included. Cheer leading in 12 hrs time, that should make me happy. Even if it's the smallest things, i still dream of a honey-shine-day. Sheela was awesome company. The bed is calling, I can already sense the auditory imagery of bells ringing in 240 minutes time. Books are the apparent scandal. O intelligent beings, GO AHEAD, AMUSE ME FURTHER. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I'll be listing down the memorable events that happened within the entire week.It will be done in non-standard english language so please, bear with me. Cheer leading practice was tiring but left me wanting more. I nailed the Literature presentation and got a very good comment from my tutor. Public speaking Boot camp(yesternight & today) conducted at SMU by Eric Feng the 2006 & 2007 Division Champion for International Speech Contest was beyond awesome.Besides building up my confidence, i made new friends with the other 29 innovians chosen for the seminar. I got a lot of stage-time and this provided me with the opportunity to actually evaluate my good and bad points when it comes to public speaking. Which brings me to the next point, i have to prepare another speech to deliver to a group of audience soon in order to compete for the best Innova speaker title. In addition,i have a list of other events that i will be involved in like dialogue with ministers as well as giving lectures for my fellow school mates. OMG! This is when the stress alert signal starts triggering off. Better apply some time management skills. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: All that i'm feeling right now is the gist of a dysfunctional immune system. There's no air.I can't breathe. I don't feel alive. Feed me some alien looking tablet and lay to sleep. I'm deprived of ideas for my debate. Pardon the disconnected sentence structure and flow of ideas. Words that mimics my rambling thoughts can never make any coherent sense. I can never seem to able to fathom humans and their personal self-interests. Such intricate complexities that no matter how ridiculously hard i try, i can never seem to comprehend. Ok, just continue being a teddy bear and don't bother until my contradiction surfaces. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Flag Day went pretty well. Minus the fact that i was on the verge of getting infected with some eye infection, sore throat and symptoms of flu,Flag Day was the norm.Technically,as of present, my eyes are in tremendous pain as i'm multi-tasking between listening to music,blogging and typing out my history essay. [It is an apparent sign that my sub-conscious mind is preoccupied with plotting a devious plan in trying to tempt me into resigning to my sickness and giving up with all that i've been busy with.] FAT HOPE! I'm going to let go that easily. Going back to my Flag Day experience, i must say that this is the best flag day session that i've ever had so far.084C is such a darling.We did everything together as a class from travelling to having lunch to doing rounds of collection. I've never realised that i have such caring classmates until just hours ago. They made sure i had lots of drink and constantly checked on me. I must admit that i feel like a toddler under the supervision of a number of guardians. Next up,the organiser approached me and one of my classmates. Organiser: Would the two of you be willing to help me out? My friend and i: How would we be of help? Organiser: Actually, i'm rather shorthanded.Can the two of you help brief the other students while i direct them to the both of you. *Pauses for 30 seconds* My friend and i: SURE! I went ahead with conducting the briefing even though my voice was atrociously cartoon-like. I had fun even while helping the organizer conduct the briefing. I managed to bag home some valuable experience after the whole event.
Even asking for a small amount of donation may sometimes be a chore especially when you face tremendous rejections. It makes you as a human being wonder what it would actually take for some to actually contribute to the society and how ironic situations are such that when there is a charity show airing on air, the figures keep on climbing up in comparison to that when you're actually doing it and how difficult it is to get people to even contribute 10 cents. Of course, the other thing i learnt was how some hooligans could actually use the idea of donating in exchange for your name and phone number.Humans and their creativity.What The Heck! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: "This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will.It will become ordinary." Therefore,i sense that public speaking would become a norm for me from now on. I should be ready when needed. I'm bidding farewell to the introvert me. I'm gonna kick some arse. Love, vinTage dreams |