hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
I DESPARATELY NEED THE MATERIALS BY THIS FRIDAY. CAN SOME HERO SALVAGE ME PLS? I would like to borrow them if anyone has it. *It's time i call for help from some divine intervention.* Love, vinTage dreams
title: Surprisingly, for the first time in my life, i found the whole motion of the road run or otherwise better known as the cross country, enjoyable in nature. 3.3 km in 17 mins and 23 seconds was indeed my best performance ever taking into consideration that i usually take about 15 mins or so for my 2.4km run. Making an effort to run instead of just adopting a 'i-can't-be-bothered-kind-of-attitude' and walking for an event like this is an added accomplishment in my chronicles of life. For someone who considers a sport like running often torturous, i'm proud of what i've achieved. Even though it's as little as being in the top 70 category for females, it's of great help in boosting my self-confidence. It's of great knowledge and assurance knowing that i can do whatever i set my mind to do. With this in mind, i have faith in myself that i can land perfectly on the bull's eye. If i have to be cautious, then i will because i can't afford a single streak of recklessness. Keeping on going without intentions of giving up half way.That's all that i'm going to commit to. Incurring some opportunity costs are perhaps parts and parcel of life. "I can't go on crawling when there's room for me to run" [I pray that someday you'll see it in the same light as i do or even better.] Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I'm cancelling all plans that i'hv made for the upcoming weekends; now till 19th April as i'm preoccupied with the following activities. 5th April-CIP. 12th & 13th April-Public speaking Boot camp. 19th April-Windsurfing. Thousand apologies people.I'll make it up to you guys soon. Damn,i feel bad. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I'm wearing a triumphant smile. I've successfully managed to overcome some 60 plus shortlisted opponents for the Pre-University Seminar. I see this as a surprising piece of news as there was quite a number of really,(and i mean REALLY) outspoken candidates that eventually didn't make the final cut. The interview was nerve wrecking needless to say.The O'levels oral examination was only half as terrifying in comparison to this.The interviewer happens to be an unsmiling woman who doesn't even nod to acknowledge what you've said. Throughout the 5 mins or so, i had to went through an ordeal of answering a set of questions while standing up. Seriously, i thought i screwed up the interview because i was technically blurting even out every single word that came into my mind without taking into consideration if what i was saying did make any coherent sense or not.In addition, i was totally unprepared for the interview.(I was busy sashaying around a nearby shopping mall near my school in search of Weather's Original candies 20 mins before the time slot of my interview while other candidates were busy practising speaking in front of a group of audience and predicting the questions that might be asked.)
Like they always say, " no pain, no gain." Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Being shortlisted as a candidate for the Pre-University Seminar is a great accomplishment but having to undergo the selection interview is downright horrifying.If you ask me how bad i want it, I WANT IT SUPER BAD! Realistically speaking, who wouldn't want to be a part of something as prestigious as the Pre-Uni Seminar where only the best 25 speakers or candidates are chosen as representatives for their JC's.The selection interview is tomorrow and seriously, i must perform if i want to be a part of this.I have no choice but to bring out my competitive spirit and crush my fellow opponents/school mates.It's the survival of the fittest and let's hope that I'll nail the interview. Wish me luck people! That should bring about great help.I guess. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: In captive, of white and yellow feathers. Humming soft melodies, filling up the emptiness, spaces in his heart. Tales of many,he told to it. His perfect companion, most treasured possession. 2 a.m, he's breaking down, in courtesy, it listens. Still in captive, with sincerity, it accepts. He showered it with adoration, promises of loyalty. Like fingers and nails, stuck together, one rhythm, one beat. Inseparable, they were tight. For months.Just months. Days grew longer and nights grew shorter, bringing about inconvenience. He forgets. They drift. It screams. Unheard. Day and night, flapping its wings, wanting to break free. Disdain in it's eyes, it struggles. It sings no longer, begging for freedom. For his own selfish desires, he's keeping the key. It cries for sympathy, to the left and to the right,up and down, fluttering its wings. He doesn't care. One summer night, it started singing. The last song it ever sang. He weeps and melted away, guilt being his poison. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" That haunting evidence is so going to affect both my nervous system as well as my circulatory system. It would have been a zillion times better if i hadn't chance upon it. Sometimes, not knowing is way better then knowing especially if you consider the fact of how paranoid of a person that i am. I've got a question to ask myself: "Just how much of this can i tolerate?" To a certain extent for as long as my arteries and veins are still functioning perfectly. I can't imagine if there be a day when my blood vessels become intolerant of this whole situation and slowly starts bursting one at a time. You will see me lifeless in no time with a note saying that brought this upon myself. But no, that isn't my picture of a perfect death. Don't even dream that i will let paranoia sink into my veins this time round. I'm so not going to be bothered with what i already know. I'll be perfectly fine regardless of what you intend to do to me. Please,do me a favour by coming up with more creative ways in attempts to exterminate me because seriously, what you're doing is downright pathetic. Let me repeat that; IT IS DOWNRIGHT PATHETIC! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: This Latin saying of "DULCE ET DECORUM EST" is the reason why. I can't wait for this to end.Let's see how far this will go. Seasons have changed.It's true what they say afterall. Maybe i should choose and incur an opportunity cost. You have no idea how prepared i am. I still going with the flow though. I see the bones beneath the flesh. It ain't pretty. I can feel it.I can see it. I'm enjoying every moment of this like a sadistic being. It doesn't mean that when i'm keeping mum, i'm agreeing to everything. A gentle reminder, don't take me for a fool. It won't be long.I know it won't be long. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I'm officially back from being hiatus. The week long vacation has finally roll in and boy am i delighted! Well actually, i wouldn't consider this as a vacation or a break. It's just time for us, students, to catch up on our school work and get some decent 8 hrs of sleep per night. A stack of assignments to complete, mind maps to finish, tonnes and tonnes of practice for that particular subject that i apparently catch no ball in and reading plus analysing of Handmaid's Tale. I swear the workload appears never ending. In addition, the thought of having to return to school during this one week break for lectures and tutorials makes the situation appears worst than what it already is. Nevertheless, at least having a few days break is better then having no break at all. Blessings should be considered and acknowledged. I'm scheduled to hit the library on Wed or Thur to find references on Christianity as well as Greek Mythology for literature purposes.In addition, some Malay novel to awaken my expired Malay language.(Believe it or not, i don't even know the Malay word to improve.That's how bad my Malay vocabulary is.) On a brighter note, Step Up 2 is something that I'm totally looking forward to watching during this March break which brings me to this movie that i watched last week,Meet The Spartans. Unless you are the kind who can understand and appreciate sarcasm,criticism and lots of sexual humor, my suggestion is that don't even bother watching the movie. I find the movie a copycat of the Epic movie that sadly didn't work out. I'll give it credits for creative directing.A little sex is acceptable but when the movie primarily evolves around it, it's sick i tell you. My March Holidays time-table is already drafted out all that i'm seeing is jogging and studying. I'll be missing my super fun Literature,GP,Econs and Malay tutors plus my lively clan in New Media Arts and not forgetting, the super hot German counterparts. Come to think of it,i can't wait to return to school to welcome my journalism module as well as my windsurfing crash course. But, let's take things one step at a time. Love, vinTage dreams |