hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: Temporary diminution of the irritability or functioning of organs, tissues and cells after excessive exertion or stimulation. Ok shut up.I shall not complain. Might as well just endure and persist. Easier said then done. Can someone who has been following up with the Malaysian Election Campaign tell me all about it please. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Three days of screaming my lungs out and dancing my butts off like a party animal sure has its aftereffects. Analyse me under a microscope and you will see billions of pathogenic organisms attempting to attack my immune system. I need a huge dosage of vitamins. Seriously. Like they always say,perseverance is still the ultimate key to success. I'm behind time.I have a lot of catching up to do.Forget about taking a break.Studying will be my utmost priority as of now.All other things can wait. I'm running out of time. Rushes off to study maths. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: perhapS a second chance; That delayed success brings me to this perfect miracle,too perfect beyond calculation. An opportunity like this doesn't come knocking at everyone's door and thus, i'm grateful. I'm gratified beyond words can say i must admit. I feel like jumping in the air screaming "I GOT IT! I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" yet i'm reluctant. Perhaps this is too good to be true resulting in a clash of emotions. I'm looking forward to where this path takes me with anticipation. Fits of nervousness.I'm getting those jitters. Lets look forward for the best in future. Insomnia, you have been useful at a certain point of my life but as for now, i need to throw you off my life. Procrastination, i'd better abandon that. Just good habits and things. Lets start this off right! I'll make this good. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: Belatedly, it so happens that only today, i finally believe in principle of the Law of Attraction. " The universe will attract products and answers to what you say or ask for indirectly" as quoted from my father. In simpler terms, just be careful what you say or wish for. Whatever that happened maybe pure coincidence and although i'm not entirely positive that it has any relation with the principle stated above, i should practice great caution the next time i say or wish for anything. I must admit that i'm really tempted to commit homicide on that particular person whom mentioned about this particular "subject" to me the other day. Thanks to your "wishes," the universe has ever-so-kindly attracted the product to me. Now, whose fault is it? Gosh, i'm sick to my stomach thinking about this. I swear that even at the slightest mention of that incident will freak me out. Ok.Enough. You ruling down the possibilities, I should have put a halt to that then. I shall carry the blame for being oblivious; Tell me of what i should do now? Not even in another lifetime, Would a want a repeat of yesterday's mistake. Though it's only a beginning, I wouldn't take the risk. Once bitten twice shy, Never forever i say. The root shoved to me right at my face, I can and i must summon a stoppage. Those indications fresh, clear as ever, I wouldn't dare. My priorities set, Granted with no choices. I'm getting entangled in this same mess, I see those skeletons in the closet. Things will be right, O,they have to be. Brick walls and what have you, whatever necessary. They wouldn't understand, I wouldn't expect them. I'll keep this safe, More like a must. I wouldn't even allow a spark, For this is way too scary. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Quick,hasty footsteps, adopting a superficial ignorant front, long faces,disinterested and indifferent. We're all caught up in our world, we're moving too fast. Stop and think. Although time waits for no man, deeds must still be done. Notice this arctic surrounding, we're all aware, we're moving too fast. Unconcerned still, Just when will the day come? Maybe never. We demonstrate no mercy, when every man is for himself, we know, we're moving too fast. It's a bustling city, we rub ourselves against one another, moving ahead, not looking back,not sorry for; it would have made a difference. But no, we're moving too fast. What are we in search of? Joy of today and uncertainty of tomorrow. We seek instant gratification, neglecting our god spot. We're moving too fast. It's already instilled inside us, values of humanity. If we keep on moving too fast, it might slip off our conscience. If you're moving too fast, maybe it's time you take a breather. Pause now. Take it slow. It's all worth it, for the love of humanity. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I have indeed made a correct decision in dedicating my time during the CNY holidays by being a volunteer for the ESQ motivational workshop held at Raffles Marina Country Club. Devoting my time as a member of the ATS (Assistant Team Support) group is definitely something that i will never forget. The experience is undoubtedly priceless. Being the youngest female ATS as well as the only female teenager results in me having to befriend,mingle and work hand in hand closely with the Mak ciks(Aunties) and the Kakaks(Sisters) during the 3 days.Thankfully,they treated me nicely and equally making me forget about the generation gap.As for the male breed, almost half of the ATS are youngsters. Combine the female and male ATS together and a perfect fusion is formed.A mixture of the young and the old. Like i've mentioned before,the experience is priceless.It also goes without saying that i accomplished this colossal feeling of contentment at the end of each day that is far beyond any level of comprehension.Seeing smiles on faces and receiving courteous gestures from the participants is enough to make me overlook the fatigue of the job that tags along with being an ATS. Judging from the surface, most people would have this misconception that being an ATS is child’s play. Although it’s on a volunteer basis, the job comes with a huge responsibility, commitment and dedication. We have to be the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave; physically, mentally and spiritually there one hour before the program commence and ending our day 3 or 4 hours after the participants leave preparing things for the next day ensuring that everything will run smoothly. Speaking from experience, being an ATS is not easy.You have to be alert and ready to lend a helping hand at all times. Something that i would not recommend to those who cannot perform under pressure. Some ATS even collapsed under pressure while doing their job. As for myself,i'm mainly responsible for the participant's welfare. Rotating shifts in handling registration, being an usher as well as a runner. I definitely enjoyed being a usher the most. Greeting guests and answering their queries. As for what i least fancy doing would be being stationed at the food and beverage section.I have my own reasons to why i don't favour doing it. Great relationship created with the older female ATS and the teenage male ATS, friendship formed with some Indonesian Crew members,exchanging hellos and experiences with some participants,bagging home some precious knowledge,observing human behaviour,handling difficult participants and always being ready sums up to a SPLENDID, INCALCULABLE AND IRREPLACEABLE EXPERINCE! I can't wait to commit to being an ATS once more! Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: like a doll who is dependent on her master; Life's pretty mundane these days. It feels as though i'm an actress attempting to act out a role as scripted. I'm going round in circles and i simply can't stand it. I'hv lost interest in all the things that i love doing. I'hv forgotten the joy from reading, shopping no longer invites bliss, chocolates are just chocolates,i can't put thoughts into words and even a basic meal seems like a huge torture. My social life practically seems non-existent. I can't be bothered with social networking sites.I declare that my friendster is officially dead.Only god knows when i'm going to revive it. I'hv pretty much kissed going online goodbye.I will only be online if someone wants me online.Sometimes,i totally ignore people's attempt to initiate an online conversation with me.If i'hv offended anyone, please accept my humble apology. Perhaps i'm sinking into a state where i can no longer be bothered. It just happens and i have no control over it.Maybe, i'm the one who refuses to control my thoughts and emotions. What happened to the soul who believes that its all in the mind and that she have absolute control over how her mind thinks? Oh well, that soul appears to be away on a vacation. She will be back only when her arrow has landed perfectly on the bull's eye.If, she misses again this time round, maybe she won't come back or maybe, she will but as a reincarnated new-self. As for now, i'm like a copy of Ying-Ying St.Clair from the novel Joy Luck Club; simply waiting between the trees. Observing signs and reacting at the very last minute before the vase crashes onto the floor. My existance being unfelt. I will always be listening but sometimes,i go on drifting away.You wouldn't notice it.A part of me will know how to conceal it so well that everything will look the same. Not that i want to do this,i just can't help it. The non-luminous flame has turned luminous. It's burning steadily, not with passion. If you have time,you will wait for your dish to cook. If you don't,chances are you will give up half-way;going out in search for a takeaway. Love, vinTage dreams Labels: i'hv guard it with fences; |
title: ![]() In a world sometimes dry sometimes complicated, Eyes constantly observing;watching. Those play days in the park as a memory, I didn't know them nor did i care who they were. My own reflection staring back at me, No longer those of a little girl. The free spirit at five and six Has now mutated into a seventeen attempting to prove her worth. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Three days isn't such a long period of time but considering the fact that i have to religiously wake up at 4.30 a.m and having to end my day at around 1 a.m for three consecutive days make me wonder if my body is up for it. Besides the fact that my body has the habit of procrastinating, i'm not sure if my brain can function diligently under severe air conditioning for a long period of time. If i agree,there's no turning back.If i disagree,i'm simply wasting an opportunity. Submitting to this may be an unforgettable and valuable experience but i simply can't make up my mind. Will my body crumble half-way? Can i adjust myself to the setting? Too many questions doubting my capability. The all black outfit shouldn't be much of a problem but the scarf? The thought of having to put on the scarf for 3 whole day makes me wonder if i can step up to it when i've never even try using it for one entire day. Five hours left to decide. At the rate that i'm going, i don't know when i'll come to a concrete decision. To volunteer or not to volunteer? I have nothing to lose except for dedicating my CNY holiday for a volunteering service towards the minority of the Muslim Community in Singapore so perhaps, i should. Love, vinTage dreams |