hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
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title: my body is malfunctioning and i'm here,doing everything that i can to save myself from drowning; I felt anemic two days ago and was on a steady road to recovery when suddenly, i was deprived of oxygen. Breathless.Speechless and what have you. Despite the warmth of the surrounding air, i'm freezing.Your anorak couldn't shelter me from the cold tonight and you watched as i harden myself into a block of ice. A split second was all that it took to make me forget all the deluxe phenomenons that happened earlier on. God, please turn me back into that heroic figure that i was a week ago because i don't wish to go back into being that frail little girl again. If this is a trial, then i'm determined to emerge victorious and untouched. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I was consumed by boredom and thus decided to ripped this off from Ifah's blog 1. Do the following without complains 2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours. 3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Favourites Colour:Black plus white plus purple. Food:Japanese cuisine,Nasi Goreng Pattaya,Pita bread,Donuts,Burritos,Kebabs,Western cuisine,Dim Sums and North Indian food. Song:I'm an all-rounder.Anything will do.No favourites. Movie:Horror,fantasy,action flicks. Sport:Cycling. Day of the week:Friday.Don't question why. Seasons:I'mlovin'summer! Ice cream:Something with Chocolate or vanilla will do. Currents Mood:hyper!=) Taste:My tongue got scalded from tasting this soup while it was boiling.Thus,i feel a burning sensation on my tongue. Clothes:T-shirt and bermudas. Desktop:Philips. Toenail:Not snipped yet and without any varnish. Time:9.56 p.m. Surrounding:Pretty hyped up.Songs blasting from another comp. Annoyances:None. Thoughts:I owe an ex-schmate a testimonial. First Best Friends:Haikal and Hanani. Crush:I forgot his name. Movie:I can't remember. Lie:Pretend i'm sick. Music:Nursery rhymes. Lasts Cigarette:Never taken a puff before. Drink(alcohol):None.Never will. Car Ride:Off late night shopping. Phone Call:Some wrong number. CD Played:Frm long long ago.The old Click Five Cd.Greetings frm Imrie house. Have you everDated your bestfriend:I'm currently dating one of my bestfriend from work. Broken the Law:Yes,by littering. Arrested:No.Hopefully not. Skinny-Dipped: No. Been on Tv:I don't think so. Kissed someone you dont know:No but i'hv hugged people that i don't know. 5 things you are wearing:Undergarments,camisole,t-shirt,bermudas,hair clips. 4 things you're done today: Eat,Read,fold garments,researched. 3 things you can hear right now:Music from another comp,my grandmother talking,sound frm the tv. 1 thing you do when you bored:Irritate people. 5 people to do this 1. Aishah 2. Spongebob 3. Marfua 4. Bariah 5. Min Qi |
title: now wait,is there anyone who welcomes the new year praying to God all day? Correct me if i'm wrong but i feel that the world is choked up nowadays; 2007 is coming to an end. Everytime i think of year-end celebrations,partying appears to be the 1st event that pops up in my mind.When i say partying, i don't mean mini countdown parties at chalets or friend's houses.Rather, i'm referring to partying on a massive scale.Countdown parties on New Year Eve at Zouk,MOS or any other night spot for that matter.The clubbing way of partying.You know what i mean. Honestly,i don't know anything when it comes to the clubbing way of partying.I'hv never stepped onto the grounds of any discotheque before and let's put it this way, i'll never do so even in future.I'm going stay with a BIG NO principle when it comes to clubbing.Keen to know why? Due to a couple of reasons. My religion being the ultimate reason to why i'll never club. Respect for my parents.I swear they will throw me out of the house if i were to go clubbing. The atmosphere at any night entertainment spot doesn't amuse me a single bit.Guys and Girls who behave like scavengers,inebriated people who don't even know where they are heading,nicotine polluted surroundings, the blaring music which will irritate my senses after awhile and all other negative influences. Besides, i strongly believe that if i were to club,drink and get drunk, my moral value will be degraded to zero.The same thing will happen to my pride as a woman.The last thing that i want is to be regarded cheap in the eyes of those sleazebags and of course,i don't want to be an easy target for jerks who can't wait to take advantage of the female race.Also, i want to spare myself from hangovers. Since i don't happen to see anything positive in clubbing,why should i even ever consider doing it? It's not that i'm prejudice towards the whole idea of clubbing.I feel that like everything else,clubbing is a matter of choice.A yes or a no, it's all up to us as individuals. Some regard clubbing as an outlet to runaway from the burdens in life while others feel that the word celebrate equals to making merry and to do so,they resort to clubbing and drinking. I'm sure everyone has his or her reasons to why they chose to club or otherwise. Perhaps clubbing brings about joy.To date, i'm still clueless to why people choose to club. Partying or not,i feel that everyone should welcome 2008 with an open heart.Let bygones be bygones and start life off afresh.Maybe you should take some time off alone on New Year's Eve to reflect on all the things that you have done throughout the entire year and see how you can improve to become a better person. Begin 2008 with a new mindset. As for myself, i won't be doing any partying or countdown whatsoever.Instead, i'll either be at home having a movie marathon with my family or hanging out with a few close friends.All depending on my mood. New Year Resolutions are a must for me in case u're wondering. I'm definitely looking forward to the New Year. Love, vinTage dreams |
Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Merry Christmas gorgeous people!!!
I went late night shopping at a 24 hrs mall in Singapore. A basket full of junk food,3 journals for the upcoming year,coloured pens,construction paper, and magic inks.3 hrs and 20 mins dedicated to shopping was a pretty short time.Honestly,it wasn't enough for me. I'm still willing to commit another 3hrs at the mall although it is already hours beyond the standard bedtime.Anyway, i still enjoyed myself thoroughly. I can't wait to finish my scrapbook. My next few days will dedicated with spring cleaning of all my material possessions. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: they conspired a dido somewhere near Christmas; Hello?
A familiar voice greets me at the end of the receiver.A voice which clearly points out to a dear friend.Her tone of voice oozes out a tinge of nervousness. Slowly,she began to deliver the news.Her statement was direct enough to cause a disturbance in my temper. I recalled her saying that a darling friend has been admitted to the hospital.No doubt i was taken aback by the news,i could still manage a composed tone. Unsuspecting, i trusted even word that she said. I dialed up my darling friend asking him about his condition and when he said that it was a suicide attempt,all that i could thing of was God.His nonchalant tone and attitude did ring some paranoia bells that all this might be a prank but because of trust,i chucked away all possible paranoia.A dozen of emotions clouded my mind making me numb to my surroundings.I didn't even know the appropriate emotion to suit the present situation.A state where my body,mind and soul don't function in unison any longer;chaos. By formal logic,you should have guessed the necessity to pay my darling friend a visit.So,there was i,the clueless soul,making plans with the dear friend to visit the pained darling friend.It must have been Lady Luck on my side that it started pouring heavily.The rain delayed the possible trip to the hospital.Soon after, a call came in.It was from my dear friend saying that the visit should be postponed to another day due to the rain.She soon added that i should phone my darling friend since he wanted me to do so.Like a child obeying his/her parents, i unquestionably called the "pained" companion. Strangely,although still trembling over the whole scenario of suicide attempt, hospitalization and so on, i managed to chatter calmly with my darling friend.That was, until, i heard that familiar voice once again.The dear friend. Credits to technological advances, telephone conferences are made available conveniently with our cell phone.Paranoia sets in again but recalling what i'hv just learned a few days ago about making assumptions,i dismissed the same thought that this might,afterall, be a prank.They didn't give away their little prank easily but in the end,every beginning must have its ending.They confessed to their gag and yes, they got me entirely.It was a though i jumped straight into shark invested waters. Okay, this is a clear reminder of how naive i can be.A side effect i must tolerate in trying to be an optimist. My emotions after knowing the truth? Bewildered.Partly because they were so convincing as a team and also, they caught me totally off guard.The principles of logic slipped out of my mind entirely.That's what happen when u're relaxing yourself by watching tv right after a hot bath.U're not sharp enough in observing the minor details around you. Anyway,my dear friend, you should consider giving it a go at acting.U'hv got the talent.Your tone of voice was super convincing. Allow me to say that the both of you are very creative in coming up with this gag within a short period of time.The dialogues and everything. And yes,my darling friend, i know u're dying to hear me say this: WAKENABEB! or should i put it as I-KENA-BEB! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Tell me that I'hv gained smth just by staring into the screen; I'hv just completed watching the whole of Heroes season 1!! I'm so elated right now. Heroes is currently my ultimate favourite series on Tv. The movie Alvin and the Chipmunks is just okay.You can't deny how adorable Alvin, Simon and Theodore are but if u're looking for substance in the movie, i'm afraid u'll be disappointed.The movie is rather suitable for the jazz of Christmas.Family bonding,presents,Christmas carol and a season of cheerfulness.Children are bound to love this movie.Since i'm in the middle of being a children and an adult, i love the movie with a so-so.Gosh,Theodore is such a darling!I want a Theodore soft toy under my Christmas tree can? Okay,that's enough of squirrel talk. I'm going to another ESQ training tomorrow.It will be another happy episode. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Those few days; I'hv landed back home.I feel contented more then words can say.
Never have i felt this peaceful before. The journey that i'hv taken was a correct one. I know i'll never have regrets. The past is all behind me. I only have the future to worry about. I can finally see myself again.I can finally smile once more. Everyday will be a blessing however hard it maybe. All the unhappiness has be thrown away.Being sorrowful just isn't me. It will only be good occurrences and deeds from now on. I feel so free; a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I know i'm ready for any test that God sends to me.I know God will be there with me.I'm not alone. I will never experience total darkness again.The light will be there to guide me. Things will get better from now on. Pictures. ( By personal digicam and by the photographer.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Experiences. Sweet and bitter ones. The past is nothing but a memory. I'hv learnt to move on.I'hv learnt to sincerely forgive and forget. All thanks to a particular course or should i say training; ESQ (Emotional Spiritual Quotient) which helps me to get back to reality.That life is too short to waste it on tears. The trainers were a enthusiastic duo:Abang Firdaus and Andri.I will never forget the impact they have on me. But credits must go to Uncle Ary Ginanjar Agustian for being the founder of this whole idea of ESQ.The ultimate training for emotional and spiritual success. The training is conducted in malay and you can't run away from their usage of bahasa Indonesia since all the trainers are from Indonesia.So,watching Indonesian Sinetron on tv has its purpose afterall.At least, i can have a better understanding of what they are trying to say. Now that i'm an alumni with ESQ and get to attend their seminars for free, i really hope to attend their seminar in certain parts of Europe. I want to experience the atmosphere of the crowd in Europe. The crowd is Malaysia is definitely happening.They are passionate and warm people.I hate to say this but i think that they rock more then Singaporeans.Everyone made me feel at home.No wonder they say Malaysia boleh! Food stuffs. I managed to get a dosage of Dunkin' Donuts.Delicious goodies. Sampled kampung-styled dishes.Extremely spicy yet tantalizing cuisine. Ate an enormous serving of peanuts.Addictive stuff. I ate a whole lot.I would normally restrict myself from eating more then 2 meals a day but while i was at Malaysia, i kept on eating.Everything was thumbs up. And yes, there's this particular mee goreng which tastes extremely perfect that i can't even find a single missing ingredient in it.Everything seems to be in proportion.The cook must have prepared the dish whole-heartedly. CONCLUSION: Go Malaysia if you want delicious food at a cheap price!! The most unforgettable experience during my stay has got to be the blackout at the hotel for 10 mins or so.Total darkness.What's worst,i was in the bathroom having my shower at that point in time.I spent five mins or so in the bathroom bathing without any lights and it was pitch black mind you.I couldn't even see my own hands.I feel so grateful to be able to see with my eyes.Imagine going through everyday as a blind person.They are a strong,respectable and courageous souls i must admit.Far more flawless then us, those who have have eyes and can see but choose to be blind. Total darkness is not a pleasant thing afterall.It allows despair to set in.We know what will happen if we are always in despair.We refuse to acknowledge the light.We choose sadness over happiness.We choose to think that life is unfair.We will feel hopeless like a failure.There's always more to life no matter how hard your last fall was.You have to redeem yourself no matter what.As long as you have someone who still love and cares for you, u're not walking this road alone.Don't bother to despair over what's lost.Instead, work on how u're going to make things better. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: because i'm sick pretending that everything is okay; I'll be away from home,
To a neighbouring place both near and far at the same time. I'll take along the diary with me. Tear away those written memories and drown them out at sea; I shall speak of them no more. My homecoming as a reincarnated new self, firm both inside and out. I have no more choices to choose from. There's only one path.The only path that i will choose from. It will be hard but i'll have no regrets. Don't ask me why i'm doing this. I watched everything unfold in front of my eyes; helpless and weak.Unable to retaliate. That must have murdered a part of me. I'hv managed a facade but the make-up is fading off; I'm certain it won't be long before i crumble and fall. I need to close a chapter. I can't go on everyday with those images playing like a movie without sound, Haunting me like a cheetah running after its prey. But it's okay. I'll never put the blame on you,the surroundings nor the situation. The responsibility will be all on me. How stubborn was i to say i'm fine. When i keep mourning like someone who has had a terrible loss. Maybe because i'm the type who keeps misery to myself, Like a sponge who keeps on absorbing water. I'm not doing this to prove anything. I just want to see myself smile again. I'm hanging onto a thing called hope because i'm positive i can still acknowledge the sun. I'm parting with a heavy heart but this is the only way to make things right. I will lock the door of those tragic happenings and throw its key down a well. Knowing that it can still be retrieved. Forget about hoping to change the past, it's so out of line to go back in time. I will go home with clean pages on the diary. In faith of turning over a new leaf. I'hv never had a fall this hard before but i know i still have to carry on. This will be great journey, I can't wait to leave. Everything will appear normal again and i can't wait to see myself smile once more. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: i promised myself to be strong. I'm trembling.Shivering. Nothing tastes peppery any longer. I'hv mixed up my senses. Pleasure equals pain.Pain equals pleasure. A stinging sensation in my eyes. My smile has faded away. I'hv shut myself from my surroundings. I choose to remain silent. I'll still be okay. Don't you worry. p.s.i don't know why i wrote this. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: ok.good. I had to tolerate a super monotonous 2 1/2 hrs at the ICA Building just to collect the passport.How boring.
Still, it was pretty fine though. I saw tonnes of hot people. Both girls and guys. Some of them with the most unique sense of fashion.At that point, i only had one urge.The urge to approach these fashionable teens to take a photograph with them.That didn't happen obviously.I didn't master enough courage to do so. Whoever they maybe, i look up to them for their individuality. Shopping couldn't get any better. You know Huda and her retail therapy.It will never stop. Japanese cuisine was impressive.Can't wait to have more. Dear Santa,would you be so kind as to grant me a buffet of Japanese fare for Christmas?=) To the group of strangers who bid be goodnight,thank you.May you have a pleasant night. Marfua! I still can't find the advertisement that you're talking about.Call me immediately the next time you see it ok? haha.joking lar. To Bf and his companions, it was nice meeting you guys again. & most importantly, to Mum,Aishah and Grandmother.Thank you a dozen for the Christmas treats!! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: LasT night; I tossed and i turned to the left and to the right.Again and again.
The clock directly staring at me fingers at four twenty-five a.m. My siblings must have vanished to dreamland.In the stillness of night's sky, i could evidently hear my sister snoring away. I switched on the side lamp and sat on my bed staring at the ceiling blankly. With intentions of murdering time, i grabbed a book to read.I couldn't.It was as though i'hv forgotten how to read.Letters were all that i saw.All words appeared foreign. Was i dreaming? I gave myself a tight slap.No,i wasn't.I could feel the burning sensation on my face.What appeared like a delusion was shockingly reality. I jumped out of my bed and wandered into the kitchen.Dehydrated, i made myself a drink. I looked out of the kitchen window.The surrounding was silent.Free from tumult;tranquil.It feels like i'm living in an inhabited and remote land.Everything was unfamiliar.From where i was standing, i could only see two vehicles.A Nissan Sunny 1.6 Ex Saloon and an old Proton Wira.Just these two as ornaments in a quiet neighbourhood. No wonder God created daytime and night time i thought to myself.Imagine life without the warmth of the sun.Everyday seems peaceful yet depressing at the same time. Serenity before dawn exudes an aura of calmness. A perfect escapade into fantasy.No distractions.Nothingness.Just you and the silence. An opportunity to fantasize i concluded.I drifted away into a state of subconscious activity.I felt in touch with my inner self within minutes. I imagined myself a free spirit without worries walking in a garden of vast greenery.Trees of all kinds.Flowers of all sorts.Roses,daises,tulips,daffodils and lilies in a variety of colours.Shrubs and bushes were also recognisable.A pretty sight.Like a paradise of my own.As i ventured deeper into the garden, i glimpse upon a sun bird sipping on nectar.A dazzling beauty. Such bewitching sight. In front of me was a fountain with crystal clear water. I took a sip from the fountain and felt rejuvenated.I continued on walking and this time, i saw faces.Familiar faces staring directly at me.People that i love with delightful expressions all enjoying a breakfast buffet.A table filled with croissants,muffins,french loaves,scones, puffs,fresh fruits and much more with beverages like fresh orange juice, Arabian coffee and English tea. A mouth-watering situation. Suddenly, my sister's hand phone vibrated.The alarm went off.A few minutes to six. I snapped out of my fantasy unwillingly knowing that it was time to get back on track.Time to take into consideration that the real world can never be such a peachy scene. My fantasy was over.Reality is where i stand. Maybe it's hard to leave the ecstatic atmosphere behind but i know i can always return whenever i want to. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Love the insTincts I keep having this recurring dream which i would rather not discuss here.Trust me, it's not pleasant at all. Ok.i should forget the whole thing.For good. My instincts have made a great comeback!One of the best things that has happened.Thank you universe! I love the fact that i can feel when something is amiss.It spices up my life.Being a paranoid person that i am, i would want to get to the root of the issue. It's always good to lend a helping hand or a listening ear to those who in need.That's the main reason i need my instincts close by.To be able to sense the sufferings of others. Not everyone has intuitive power.If you happen to own them, trust them and you will see miracles happen. Thanks to them, i chance upon a huge deal of clues. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: Words indeliberately uttered, without any distinct objective, not aiming at any single hint accidentally touched a raw vein. How was i to know of a wounded past with bruises cleverly concealed under delicate skin that which appears so rosy is yet by default wintry, can easily grief so suddenly. Perhaps i was too oblivious, ignorant or unmindful. Maybe i am uncaring,apathetic and callous towards your sore bygones. The hurt that i'hv accidentally instilled must be torture to bare however hard i do not know. Accept my sincere apologies, don't pretend it's okay. Punish me if you must with all remorse i will take. Now that i'm aware; that you haven't move on completely, and that your wounds are still noticeable, i'll take great consideration of what i say. But as for now, i'm truly apologetic and that's all that i can say. How i wish i could turn back time, to take back all that i'hv said. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: hit it baby! The initial plan of shopping with the mates was abandoned because some of them had more urgent commitments to attend to. Instead, i went bowling with the bf and touring of not-so-famous places in Singapore. It was especially memorable because it's a Saturday. You know the crowd on Saturdays.You know that almost every human want to look stylish hitting the malls on weekends. Combine those two elements together and there you have it; a chaotic shopping mall with citizens showcasing a variety of style. The bowling alley had a cluttered atmosphere. It was unquestionably messy.A typical scene at any bowling alley.As expected. To my right was a family of three while my left was occupied by a group of hostile teenagers. While the people on my right were very civilized, the left were otherwise. Still, no matter how unruly they were, i still admired their enthusiasm.They could have easily earned a 9/10 for team spirit. Having a go at bowling after neglecting it for a super long period can be a bit nerve-wrecking.What's more, you can safely conclude that i'm a dummy when it comes to this particular leisure activity. It was almost unbelievable that i said yes to a bowling invitation.But i guess everyone must have a day off right? So, i carried on bowling with my own set of rules and totally not adhering to any principles associated with this past time. When it comes to leisure activities, i strongly feel that one should just unwind and enjoy. That's what i did and i had tonnes of innocent fun! Here's my dummies' survival technique. Just grab the ball,throw it whichever way that u're comfortable with and hope that a miracle will happen.You don't need to fret about what other people think of you.Approach the game with confidence.Play it cool. If u're worn out, kindly approach a team member to take your place while you relax.No use forcing yourself. And lastly, it really helps if u're not giggling away. But,if u're not the type who can handle broken nails,backache,exhausted feet and muscle numbness, you might want to think twice before going bowling with your own personal guidelines or those stated above. Ohh,and this thought apparently just hit me.I should spend more time bowling.It really helps me to let go of my unsuppressed rage. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: sweet little treats; ![]() A toothsome tea party with the gusty wind as a backdrop. An assortment of donuts for me to choose from. Delicious melted chocolate spread over dome-shaped donut, scrumptious blueberry-jam volcano donut,heavenly heart-shaped strawberry glazed donut topped with strawberry fruit, ring donut with coffee glaze and chocolate chips topping are amongst them. With donuts, one is never enough.They equally as addictive as my favourite brown indulgence; chocolates! Just pop them into our mouth and experience the soft, fluffy dough being grinded by our teeth with each topping slowly melting leaving behind a luscious after-taste that will result in us wanting more. Sinful treats with massive calories only to be savoured once in a while. While u're at it, might as well fully submit to the flavor as good things don't come by everyday in our life. Donuts are back with a bang! and i think that they're such a valentine.Have always been.Will forever be. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: leave me enchanted; ![]() I shall strike off a movie date under my list of things to do. Enchanted was a fairytale come true.I shall only sing melody of praises for the movie.A definite must watch for those who worship blissful endings. My darlings were HTF Diana, purplestar Debbie, the bf and his Chinese side of the family. Dinner at Pastamania Cathay Cineleisure is sufficient to last me for another 2 days.Which means, i'll go on fasting tomorrow and the day after provided, no one invites me to another eating spree. Journey back home was screamin' fun.A ride in the van was a refreshing change. Another fab episode in my life.Yayness! but the sad thing is, i happen to get infected with rashes at my legs.Not good. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: lalalalalala~lalalalalala |
title: They need the attention The list of things to do. A trip to Ikea. Borrow a pile of books from the library. Complete my scrapbook. Turn my room into an artsy gallery. A visit to the salon. An outing with Gfs. A movie date. Time at the beach. Read a stack of magazines. Clean my make up utensils. Put aside some of my clothes to give away. Rent DVDs. Go jogging. Go vegetarian at least once a week. Write essays. Update my journal every single day. Hit the malls. Go in touch with nature. Arrange my books in alphabetical order. Bake some cookies. Compose poems. Visit my grandparents. Meet up with cousins. Learn how to cook. Pick up yoga. Meditate twice a week. Have a strict skincare routine. Increase consumption of antioxidants and vitamins. Sleep early. Go swimming. Complete watching Heroes. Watch Gossip Girls series. Take up a new hobby. Compile up photos accordingly. Wash all sneakers and tote bags. Dust all my accessories. Store all heels in their boxes. Drink more water. Explore new places. Try new cuisines. Learn 10 new words each day. That's it for now. Love, vinTage dreams |