hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: I think i need a visit to the salon. A hair cut.No, not really a hair cut. I need to trim my hair.The bangs need some work. It's covering my eyes and i don't enjoy having to pin them or whatsoever and thus, it needs to be snip short. I am considering streaks in either light Golden brown or light Auburn but maybe i will not get them.I shall reconsider. So yeah, i'll hit the salon one of these days. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: I can't think |
title: conjure up all those; Everyone is born with a definite purpose in life.
Without recognizing and fulfilling our mission, we can never achieve happiness in all aspects.We will still be consumed by emotions of emptiness. While some discover their god-given traits effortlessly, there are some who go on searching and searching throughout their entire lifetime but still die without fulfilling their mission. I'm aware of the different viewpoints on this issue.However, there's an ideology universally shared.Most people claim that our childhood behold an important clue to our purpose. Our childhood. How exactly do we remember every single significant details in our childhood especially when it's either engulfed by absolute joy or misery? Are we that willing to trace back the footsteps that we have made all these years? If yes, what are willing to risk or are we ready to revive the chapters that we have closed. Not everyone has had a blessed childhood. Do you think those with deprived childhood are willing to recall their torment just in order to lead a more fruitful life?Obviously not. We are also certain that our childhood contributes a certain percentage of who we are today.So yes, childhood is an important phase in our upbringing. Similar to a folder holding our documentations, our childhood is the key to the answers that we seek today. Open and dust our folder and we may never know what treasures we may find. Reminisce your childhood.Recollect the crucial memories of those whom have made your childhood significant.Backtrack to places you enjoy visiting as a child.Remember the things you take pleasure in doing as a child. They may lead you to your life's purpose or they may bring you happiness in some form or another. Dig into the past.You'll never know how your life can change for the better. Love, vinTage dreams. |
title: courtesy caN save the world; Observe a typical lunch hour.
What do you witness? People from all walks of life hurrying to the nearest eatery to get their nourishment. The extra long queues at every vendor. The impatient complains from those at the end of the long chain. The packets of tissue placed on top of every table to certify that it is already occupied. I'm not certain where that "creative" idea of reserving seats using packets of tissue derive from but it is definitely not gracious.Look, i believe that it is an unreasonable concept.Just from which planet did you enquire that from?.If everyone does that, why don't entrepreneurs just set up a new business making money from reserving seats at local food courts and fast food outlets during lunch hour. Think of paying just to reserve your seat during lunch hour at any desired food chain in Singapore.It may sound ridiculous but isn't that parallel to how the majority of us are behaving. For goodness sake, seats at food chains are public property so what makes you think that by putting your packets of tissue you are entitled to the seats? Any person can just throw your packet of tissue and replace it with theirs.What evidence do you have to say that the seat has been reserved by you. Don't get any ideas from what i'hv just hint. Remember the importance of manners. But that isn't as barbaric as those who deliberately take their own sweet time to get off their seats despite completing their meal.There are some who even purposely delay by instant messaging or talking on their mobile while there are still sights of those who are still standing and waiting. Don't tell me you can't find somewhere else to seat and make your calls? At least, spare a thought for others. Wait. What century are we living in again? I forgot that every man is for himself. Where have the more civil-minded population gone to? Extinction i guess. In case you haven't noticed yet, look at how easy it is to spot an ill-behaved citizen. They are Everywhere. AND i mean EVERYWHERE. Just turn to your left or right at any crowded location and simply observe. Worst,they can even be me or you. Why do we choose to remain ignorant over something as important as this? The excuse of being busy.We're busy.We are always too busy for anything. Trust me, if everyone attempt to be more considerate, the world can be a better place. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: the good things; T.Harv Eker 3 days Millionaire Mind Intensive was mind-blowing!
Despite being skeptical about attending at first, i made a right choice and definitely, my 3 days was well-spent.The training didn't come cheap but it was undoubtedly worth spending about 1000 plus on enquiring new knowledge.As for myself, i attended on a account of a complimentary ticket. It was 3 days of learning, intense energy, giving & receiving of hugs, constant flow of Hi5's and meeting and socialising with people of various backgrounds from all parts of the world.Definitely one meaningful experience. Day 1. Money association exercise was eye-opening.It allowed myself to realise my believes around money all these years.The six jars was an awesome concept.Certainly a marvelous way of managing our finances. Also, we had to go through this exercise of burning some amount of money.It did cause a lot of commotions.Reason being, it's a 100 Sing dollars that we're talking about. It was hilarious to see the various human reactions.Some exchanged the 100 Sing into other lower currencies, others swapped $100 to smaller amounts and there were even those whom made their own $100 bill using paper and pen. But, the truth was, we didn't literally burn the money.It was only an exercise to see how much we honour what we have. Also, we were told to massage the people around us and the person beside me gave the best massage that i have ever experienced in my whole 17 years of life. THANK YOU stranger! All that aside, to sum up, the major topic for that day was wealth and success. Day2. We were exposed to money blueprints and attachments to money. Also, the importance of creating a balance between giving and receiving. We went through a few minutes of meditation/hypnosis.Definitely a great technique to clear our emotions. The 'compliment exercise' where we have to give random compliments to strangers. Being divided into the various categories pertaining to money. For which i belong in the 'spender' section. Being asked to create a song and to sing it to 5 strangers. I did a rap and was even encouraged by my surroundings to perform it to the whole audience.But that didn't happen obviously.I gave a pass to rapping to a 40,000 crowd.I might consider that in my next lifetime.But presently, that shall remain as a big No.No. I learned the most on day2.I also had the most fun on this day. Day3. Well, i didn't get the most out of the third day. I was down with head cramps and minor diarrhoea. The session started at 8 and i only came at 1pm. That's already 1/4 of the session lost and worst, most of time, i struggling to appear composed. But, i still managed to learn about managing your anger, fears. The importance of actions and so on. Reflections on what we learned and the day ended there. AWESOME EXPERIENCE is my overall conclusion.Perhaps the best seminar that i have ever attended. It's so so good that i don't mind attending it again! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: Blah.blah.blah. Lizards have always been under my list of phobias. My great accomplishment for today was that i picked up enough courage to murder 2 baby lizards who took refuge behind my wardrobe & sofa. I happened to be spring cleaning my room when i saw them.Since dad wasn't around, i had zero option but to destroy them myself. Seriously, i have no idea where my bravery came from but it was definitely useful at that particular time. Still, my fear of lizards hasn't been conquered fully. A lesson learnt, never spring clean without the presence of someone who isn't terrified of them.And yes, i want my future soul mate to be someone who is not alarmed by lizards. Okay.Enough lizard talk. Next up, my sister got a job which requires her to put on make up.She started going like " can i use your mascara?" "What is liquid liner? Then the pencil eyeliner is called what?" "Which one is the concealer?" I went HAHA.Can't blame her though, she doesn't put on make up.Okay lar, i'll be nice and help you tomorrow.Talking about tomorrow, my day will be dedicated at the Singapore Expo.3 days seminar.No outings for the weekends.Boring.... I'll go with a open heart.Promise. Anw, congratulations to my other sister for pulling through her PSLE.Lets hope you get enrolled in an interesting school. Now, i just want to enjoy my all time favourite dish.NASI GORENG PATTAYA!!! And maybe, i need some dosage of caffeine to keep me going. Lastly, i miss my BF!!!! Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: if it was true, i think i need help 1.Insomnia,oversleeping or early awakening.True. 2.Decreased appetite and weight loss or overeating and weight gain.True. 3.Restlessness,irritability.True. 4.Persistant headaches/digestive disorder or chronic pain.True. 5.Loss of interest in hobbies & activities that were once enjoyed.True. 6.Difficulty concentrating,remembering or making decisions.True. 7.Decreased energy/fatigue.True. 8.Constant feeling of guilt.True. 9.Persistant 'empty moods'.Half-true. 10.Hopelessness & pessimism.Not true. 11.Thoughts of suicide or attempts at death.Not true. 8.5 out of 11. It says here that i am demonstrating symptoms of possible depression.Okay.Not cool. Even the word possible scares me.Oh.Gosh! Okay.call me paranoid.But what happens if it were to really happen? I'd better drop this subject. I won't slip into depression. JUST THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS HUDA! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: PARDON THE ENGLISH & HOW DISORGANISED THIS POST IS. Orchard & Esplanade with Marfua.Retail therapy & photography session for her project.
A pleasant trip except for the heavy human traffic appearing in diverse tones & sizes of various nationalities.I shan't elaborate on that. BUT, THE NOT SO PLEASANT THING IS THAT, I MISSED AN EPISODE OF HEROES ON CHANNEL 5 and DUNIA BARU ON TV3.It slipped my mind that Monday is teevee day. THE IMAGES BELOW ARE SELECTED BY RANDOM. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm ending with: Sometimes, it's easy for us to comment.But what happens when we are in that particular situation? Saying is easy. Doing is never the same. But, it's okay i guess. I'hv learnt how to compromise.Okay,forget it.This matter shan't be dwell upon. Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: and you might as well start pulling off the trigger at one another; Wow.I think a potential war will erupt soon.
Trust me, no matter how much i love violence, i straight up despise wars. Rather then a war of words,i'd rather witness a real-life combat.At least one of the parties die along the way and it just ends there.One victorious & one defeated. With words, it will never end.Until one party finally give in & walk away. So, that is the current situation i'm in right now.Utterly irritating.I seem to have low tolerance of noise these days to a point that even pumping in music on the stereo somehow irritates me.And to have this happening, i swear that being a marionette is a 1000 time better. I have no idea when it's going to end but a promise has been made to myself that i will never interfere.Let them continue bombarding each other until they are all worn out.I will not take sides either.I pledge to just zip it and see what happens. But seriously, it is getting on my nerves and totally wrecking my mood.Sometimes, it gets so hard to even enjoy peace. I feel that even shutting the bedroom door and pretending that nothing is happening appear hopeless. I'M STUCK and desperately wanting to break free. Ignorance is a bliss and because i chose silence and ignorance rather then to be involved, it won't be long before words are being lost on my lips.I will only be there bodily.The logic will be shut and the chatter to fade away only to speak when questioned.And everything will be locked inside and guarded so closely until the day i'm free like the butterflies. BUT STILL, I'M DETERMINED TO STAY POSITIVE. Maybe i'll shut my eyes and hope that this was all a dream. I will love the one who can take me away. vinTage dreams |
title: i think being SEVENTEEN is a whole new adventure Add one year to sixteen and there you have it; i'm officially SEVENTEEN. Come to think of it, i think age is just a number.So what even if u're 71? It doesn't equal to you being wiser than a rebellious 17 year old. The default scenario is that with age,maturity follows.But that doesn't always happen does it? We have 19 year old possessing the maturity of an elder and 41 year old who still anticipate life's drama like a pre-teen. So, how can we ever measure a person's character with their age? All of us have a lot to learn from one another. The young needs to breed tolerance while the old needs to 'unwind' a little. Life is never about how old we get to live it until.It is rather, about living it whole-heartedly. Even if u're 20 years older than i am, i'm still not amused by your age.Neither will i be hoping that i will quickly turn older so that i have more respect.Like i said,age is just a number.Exactly 365 days from now, i will be 18.Or "legal-18" as so they call it.It still doesn't change anything if i were to remain at being a 12 year old at heart. I still believe that i'm entitled to equal rights as you despite the obvious that you have actually tasted more salt then i have. Maybe turning older gives you more privileges but 3/4 of the time, a huge deal still stays the same. Turning older can either be a gigantic affair or an ordinary happening. It all depends on which perspective you are looking at. Whatever it is, always look forward & enjoy your upcoming birthday.You can never celebrate your 17Th birthday or whatever the age twice in your lifetime.It will be over before you even know it.Might as well get your party going & dance all night long. As for myself, i celebrated by heading off to various locations in 24 hours escorted by bF and later his companions observing human antics. And so, these were the locations i visited hours ago.Touring of Tampines Mall and interchange, window shopping at Bugis, heritage sight-seeing at Arab Street,sashaying along the streets of Orchard,loitering around Somerset,retardation at Bedok,confessions at Tanah Merah and finally, home. Am i exhausted? No. Only my legs are. They are totally numb from all that walking.My brain is still on alert mode.Which means i can still think and that is why i die-die also still want to blog.In fact, i have this urge to be nocturnal for tonight although my legs are downright opposing against that idea.I'll see how. That aside, i would take this opportunity to thank all those whom made my 16th November memorable.Grandma & granddad, mum & dad,Aishah,Hazimah,Raihan,Bf & his companions,Nani,June,Ifah,Suhaila,Najihah,Mariam,Faizal,Didi,Diyana,Alvin,Ilah,Zyla,Alif,the various online groups & clubs for your presents & wishes.Apologies if i missed out your name as my memory may have failed me. Thanks a lot guys!!! I appreciate all the wishes & presents truckloads!! As for now, i reckon i will be absorbed in 17 years of recollection and making a wish list on how to further improve my physical,spiritual & intellectual well-being. CHEERS TO A NEW CHAPTER!! Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: ![]() I just want my daily dosage of peace & kisses. Even if it means that i will have to let go of everything else. Art allows me to remain rosy. Making Hazimah my canvas so much joy. So, can i just hit the rewind button & start all over again? I predict i'll be swinging to the movies soon. And perhaps have a spread of Japanese cuisine. Oh.. yes baby! I could use some of that. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: and it is making me deaf; |
title: and sometimes, it gets so hard; ![]() I was browsing through the biography section of Times bookstore when i came across an interesting find; 'A Child Called It' by Dave Pelzer.Amy Tan's 'The opposite of fate' did caught my eye as well and i was wondering which i should purchase. I was caught in between crossroads and decided to get the opinion of someone who was with me at that point of time.The answer that i got left me speechless for 10 minutes. This particular someone even has the cheek to pass sarcastic remarks about autobiography books saying that most of them are a bore and i will end up learning nothing from them. Thousands of thoughts ran through my mind.Should i stand up for what i believe in or should i just shut it? I decided to go with the latter.Only because i'hv learnt that sometimes, your opinions don't matter and it is only polite to just listen. Okay, i get it already that the only books that you read are under the 'self-improvement' section but can't you just show the slightest amount of respect for what other people love? Besides, i believe that autobiographies give us a taste of other people's lives and there are a lot of lessons that can be obtained. Afterall, even if it turned out to be a total bore, i will be the one who will be stuck with it. I don't mind if you are against this particular writer or this genre of book but least, you should respect it.If a book is published, it only means one thing: the author should be given credits for being able to write something that is even worth someone dedicating his time to reading it.That's my personal opinion and i'm sorry if you don't feel that way. I know that is impossible to totally understand the likings of other people but try to compromise and as humans, we should always remember that respect is forever a fair game. Right now, i shall take a night walk alone before drowning myself in loud music drinking glasses after glasses of soya milk while browsing through the pages of ELLE magazine. And for that other matter that was informed to me personally, note that i give up trying already. And before this event slip my mind again; HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Aishah!Enjoy the months to come & live life without regrets.=) Love, vinTage dreams |
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title: I want another round of this night; 8 course SMCCI Annual Dinner at Orchard Hotel was downright a great treat.
Lovely parents,darling Bf & his friend & friends of elders was my companions. Scrumptious food,adorable clans plus interesting entertainment.I could never ask for anything else. Come to think of it, i'm really proud of myself for being able to survive the 8 course dinner.Although i was left with a bulging stomach at the end of the day, i guess it's okay to really eat once in a while. Maybe an overdose of seafood left me tipsy.Maybe tipsy is too strong an adjective; i was having those giddy spells. I had jellyfish,shark's fin,prawns,crab stick & that fish.And of course, there was the fried rice, veggies like broccoli & mushroom plus mango pudding. I thought i was doing fairly well trying to consume everything served to me but i guess i was totally wrong.My dad's friend claimed that i ate too little.& so, there was i,stuck in the middle of my dad's friend & Bf who kept on pushing me to eat more.You have no idea how torturing it is. I cannot go on eating on a large scale.You might as well cross me out when it comes to 'all-u-can-eat' buffets . Moving on, the Sri Warisan dancers were admirable,the silat boys;spectacular & the fashion show inspiring.That designer from Temasek Poly created the most gorgeous outfit.If only i was as talented as him. I'll give thumbs up for the whole night.It was definitely memorable. Absolutely pleasant.And walking along the streets of Orchard Road with Bf in heels, kebaya & sarong despite the pouring rain was a priceless experience. Oh, and did i mention that the tv personality Fizah from Soo lazat cooking programme looks better in person? This whole event will make a sweet diary entry. Everyone around deserve a BIG thank you for leaving me with a precious experience.Esp.parents & Bf. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: If only i was 10 years younger; Kids can make your day.
Trust me. My little nieces made their way to my house this evening. I guess i had the bestest best time today! The company of 3 children is downright more joyous in comparison to the company of 6 adults. 6 Yrs, 7 yrs & 8 yrs. They were such great company that how i'd wish time had stayed static. 200 minutes of playtime. Dressing up games.You have no idea what 6 & 7 year olds are capable of. Mini pool challenge. Net surfing. Hamburger & caterpillar hand games. Barbie craze. & of course, wrestling & war games for the boys which ended up in my 7yr old brother bruising his head. I adore children because they do not put on facades.They are original.There are no limitations to their dreams.They speak from their heart.They are honest.They love unconditionally.They put smiles to our faces.=) We all are aware of that but choosing to acknowledge it or not is another thing. We can't push away the fact that as we get older, we become more 'artificial'.We are constantly judging,constantly trying to put on this certain type of facade & constantly being prejudice. We no longer act based on our instincts. We loose our god-given attributes. In cruel terms, we come fakes.Plastics.Mannequins. Such is reality. Something which we are pretty much aware of. I guess what we appear to be on the outside is not exactly how we are on the inside.There's always more to ourselves. With kids, we tend to open up, we become young at heart. & Sometimes,being human is all about enjoying every single moment without the slightest sense of worry.That's how i see it. I shall be looking forward to tomorrow. I'll have quality time with my loves. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: my liTTle miss afternoon ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dark clouds,pouring rain,thunder & lightning. Perfect showcase of nature's greatness. I was bored then.Waiting for the rain to stop.To finally head out and have some fun. It became a necessity then to cam-whore.To fill my moments of boredom. When my sister showed me her new sketch book, i realised how long it has been since i last picked up the drawing pencils.I miss sketching a zillion much but i'hv lost the drive to do so.Maybe when i find new born inspirations,i'll sketch once more. I predict i'll be absorbing myself in ghost stories tonight.I need something entertaining.A few goosebump moments and perhaps some adrenaline rush. Right now,i can't stand all the noise surrounding me. I need to be somewhere silent. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: & i'm barely hanging; GARD A HCUS ERA UOY.
I just hate how much the word respect can change everything. Seriously, can't you just make an effort? & how much i hate it when people rob me of my intellectual desires. I guess i'll be leaving everything as it is. This might afterall, just be another not-so-pleasant dream of mine. I can't be bothered any longer.Maybe its a new beginning or maybe it's a chapter ending. Love, vinTage dreams |