hudaa Ismail
pretty much an avid observer who is eccentric in nature as well as one who does things entirely based on her mood.
title: an oLd skooL recollecTiON Walking down memory lane was of much merry. Seeing faces that once channel my life.Faces that once brought about triumph & those who brought about oppression. Not much might was needed to summon up those memories.Everything seemed to fall back into place the moment i stepped into my secondary school grounds. I swear that i completely miss my secondary school days.The awesome & candid classmates,the night classes,the canteen delicacies and the caring teachers.How i'd wish i could go on board a time machine and travel back through time. But that can never be possible.The past is still the past & tomorrow is a new beginning.=) I'm in love with today.Greetings with ex-sch mates (how much some of them have changed), mingling with ex teachers & simply hoping time would stay static. Then again, that doesn't happen.Morning becomes afternoon & soon after,my old school recollection ended.Devastated, but i'm proud to declare that i'm throughly entertained by the whole experience. ![]() Bestie,5 ![]() the sec1 love; My twenty-fours day didn't end there.Soon after, it was catching up time with fellow girlfriends;Syahirah,Najihah,Suhaila & Zarifah. Destination,Bugis.Minor shopping spree with beloved girlfriends. I'm down to my last penny for this month.Lucky though today marks the end of Aug.September is a new birth. I digested enough calories to last me for 3 days today. My efforts of losing weight might afterall, appear futile.[Btw Sya, i still think i put on more pounds than you so you shouldn't be worrying too much.=)] Next, came the cam-whoring session.Credits goes to Sya for contributing the footages on this post.The other renditions are still much awaited. ![]() Temptations from a box of Hello Panda! biscuits caught up with me. My current text, To kill a mocking bird is screaming for my attention but it shall only be entertained as of tomorrow. Frequent late nights and not listening my skin's warnings. Unwelcomed pimple guests, the never-be-gone eyebags. AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: if love be a drug, u'll be the dealer. ![]() The following post is dedicated whole-heartedly to my love interest; mr boyfriend.=) Happy 4th! Thou hath rawk thy world of utter pleasures.Taken the dumps and remodeled them into glee.Enforcing that fairytale exist. Now tell me, how can i not love you? For you have robbed me of my heart; always protecting,always caring,always cherishing. The much anticipated phone call. your words poison my intellect, your humour enlightens, your guidance educates, your flatter intoxicates, your promises; true. For love was all that you have showered. Tagging me through the late nights. Affirming me to be happy. Ceaselessly checking up on me. Enduring my lateness. Tolerating my outbursts. I thank you for all that you have done. And no amount of words can express my gratitude. It ends here. and have i told you that I love you today? Love, vinTage dreams |
title: thE eLement of emoTions; First off, i gravely am in need of a colour vibration therapy.
(Read: superabundance red n black isn't healthful) 'Thunderous,loud & dramatic.' Of such is the materialization of the above two paints. Low-self esteem greets those deprived of them. The reverse occurs when they are compulsively used. Momentarily, red & black has to be thrown off my shelves. I yearn something bubbling & joyful. Blue,yellow,white,green,pink,purple should be summoned upon undoubtedly. Since current situations aren't of much comfort, I'd rather practice using safe parameters.External turmoil are greatly unappreciated as of this instance.Such is a warning.My upmost gratitude if u adhere.A day or two should be needed to straighten out those unsuppressed rage.After which, i should return to the happy goober that i once am. Apologies for any inconvinience caused. Superhero's assistance greatly required. Love; vinTage dreams |
title: miLky brown indulgence ![]() I'm in need of a sugar rush. Impromptu!! A tub of good chocoLate ice cream or a bar of dark chocolate will save my day.Definitely!But no, i'm keeping those sinful delights at bay.I will not entertain my chocolate cravings today.I can't risk another possible pimple outbreak.I'm allergic to chocolates to a certain extent.Maybe 'allergic' is too harsh an adjective to describe it.Chocolates=more pimples.That happens to be the case & i'm so not pleased.Chocolates are my sweetest poison.Bring me a bouquet of chocolates u shall hear of me no more.haha.So not true. I won't fall slave to my lust for chocolate.That will not happen.It better not happen!I need someone to give me a slap. I need to snap out of my Charlie and the chocolate factory delusion.This instance! Okay, enough said. I might as well settle down for a finer indulgence which i can enjoy; exotic arabian dates.=) yums! she misses her BF & wonders what her GFs are up to. Love, vinTage dreams |
title: oF thuRsday aFternoons; ![]() SevenTeen magazine is such a love. I'll tell you why i personally think so. Equipped with Latest fashion know-how, beauty 101 , reliable entertainment coverage,real life experiences & mucH more, Seventeen magazine is definately The MAGAZINE for every girl on the go.I'hv been a fan for about 3 years now & i'hv never been disappointed.For September's issue, i dig The Princess Diaries section the most! Now, anyone can look like a million bucks without breaking the bank.I'm soo thankful to mum who got me a copy yesternight.Definately a GREAT way to spend my lazy Thursday afternoon at home.I swear by seventeen for fabulous fashion spread & much muchh more!! I'm ending here for now.I still have some doodling to do on my diary. LasT werds; I hearts my boYfriend & i miss my girLfriends!! Love, vinTage dreams |
title: iT hit the skies ![]() The main highlight of Saturday night was the fireworks display.Marina bay was the targeted location.The pyrotechnic display spells F.a.b.u.l.o.u.s despite a mere 15 mins or so worth of neon lights demonstration up in the sky.I was hungry for more.But disappointed was i.Thousands gathered to witness this special occasion.To be honest, i was pretty flabbergasted by the numbers that surrounded me.It felt as though Singapore was celebrating its National day once again!From the infants to the elderly.The locals to the tourists.Trust me, anyone could get lost in this crowded & chaotic ambiance.But it was rather astonishing that i didn't hear of such reported cases.Anxious faces were scattered all over.Everyone seemed to be experiencing a moment of bliss.The moment the sparks lighted up the sky,everyone was either busy capturing it on modern technology or simply enjoying the view.It was as though everyone was on auto.No questions asked.As for myself, it was the latter.Although it ended almost as quickly as it started, smiles were painted on most faces.Afterall, how many times a year do we get to witness such display? I'm certain everyone present had their own rendition of the night's event. //vinTage dreams// Labels: pyrotechnic display |
title: numbeR 1 GreeTings.
Starting off, this bLog is a reincaRnated veRsion oF the previous blog.The old one has been officially dead two years ago.New blog; new life stories.I have reasons to why i'hv decided to blog once again.Perhaps, blogging would be handy for recollections.Who knows? This blog is going to staY for good or for bad.I'm determined to sacrifice some of my time updating this blog as and when needed.It will stay, i PROMISE. //vinTage dreams// |